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On enquiry he found that the Commissioners were sitting in one of the downstair parlours; but one of Cromwell's servants at the door told him that he was not to go in there, but that Mr. More was upstairs by himself, and that if he pleased he would show him the way.

Time after time she would give Mavis varying accounts of the incidents attending her many lapses from virtue, in all of which drugging by officers of His Majesty's army played a conspicuous part. Mavis, except at meal times, saw little of Mrs Gowler, who was usually in the downstair parlour or in other rooms of the house.

"Tell me," he inquired, "is that your house the next one to this?" "That's the old Hastings' house," she assented. "They are all family mansions along here." "It looks an easy place to burgle," he remarked. She laughed quietly. "I should think it would be," she admitted. "There are any quantity of downstair windows.

Shortly before eight Helene closed the shutters both of the upstair and the downstair windows and of the glass doors into the garden, and returned to the kitchen, which was at the back of the house that is, on the side facing the road.

From a downstair room there came the twang of cousin Sadako's koto, a kind of zither instrument, upon which she played interminable melancholy sonatas of liquid, detached notes, like desultory thoughts against a background of silence.

Only Aghadoe Abbey was eerie at night, especially in winter storms, since my cousin Theobald went away. I have often thought that the curious formation of the house, which has as many rooms beneath the ground as above it, helped to give it an eerie feeling, for one could not but imagine those downstair rooms filled with ghosts.

Nerving herself for the interview, she walked up the circular stairs leading to his office, conscious that the eyes of the "young ladies" in the downstair shop were fixed upon her. As she went into the manager's room, she purposely left the door open. She found Orgles writing at a table; at his side were teacups, a teapot, some thinly cut bread and butter and a plate of iced cake.

And I, vith my bag on my back, I creep downstair and out by the back again, and I ron and ron and then I valks. Gott! how I haf walked! I vos so frightened! And then, at last, I go to a policeman and gif 'myself op!" Barney stopped. The tears burst from his eyes and laying his grimy face on his arm, he sobbed. The detective patted him on the back.

Miss Meakin, noticing Mavis change colour, remarked: "We're all like that at first: you'll soon get used to it." If the atmosphere of the downstair regions discouraged appetite, the air in the glazed bricked dining-room was enough to take it away; it was heavy with the reek arising from cooked joints and vegetables.

When she appeared, Mavis put authority into her voice as she said: "Can I see anyone here?" "If you've any eyes in your 'ead," snorted the servant, as she disappeared from view. Still no one came. Mavis was making up her mind to explore the downstair regions when the footfalls of the rude person were heard coming down.