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But even just knowing him they think that's vile." "Well, I should hope we can know whom we like!" and Delia bounced fairly round as from the force of her high spirit. Mr. Dosson had put on his hat he was going out for the paper. "Why he kept us alive last year," he uttered in tribute. "Well, he seems to have killed us now," Delia cried.

The girl had plunged into these he already heard her push a sharp bolt. Presently he went away without taking leave of Mr. Dosson and Delia. "Why he acts just like Mr. Flack," said the old man when they discovered that the interview in the dining-room had come to an end. The next day was a bad one for Charles Waterlow, his work in the Avenue de Villiers being terribly interrupted.

"I guess they've seen most everything," Mr. Dosson observed. "Well, we've seen more than you!" exclaimed his daughter. "Well, I've seen a good deal just sitting there." A person with delicate ear might have suspected Mr. Dosson of a tendency to "setting"; but he would pronounce the same word in a different manner at different times. "Well, in Paris you can see everything," said the young man.

Dosson of what he proposed to "do" for his son, and Mr. Dosson appeared more quietly amused than anything else at the news. He announced in return no intentions in regard to Francie, and his strange silence was the cause of another convocation of the house of Probert.

Her face was so much in shadow as to be barely distinguishable; nevertheless the young man had a disappointed cry as soon as he saw her. "Why, it ain't Miss Francie it's Miss Delia!" "Well, I guess we can fix that," said Mr. Dosson, wandering further into the room and drawing his feet over the floor without lifting them.

An irruption she made of her desired reappearance; she rushed to one of the tables, flinging down her muff and gloves, while Delia, who had sprung up as she came in, caught her closely and glared into her face with a "Francie Dosson, what HAVE you been through?" Francie said nothing at first, only shutting her eyes and letting her sister do what she would with her.

Dosson had said they had been hoping he would come round again, and Delia had remarked that she supposed he had had quite a journey Paris was so big; and had urged his acceptance of a glass of wine or a cup of tea.

The weather was now so completely vernal that Mr. Dosson was able to haunt the court, and he had lately resumed this practice, in which he was presumably at the present moment absorbed. Delia had lowered her needle and was making sure if her companion were awake she had been perfectly still for so long when her glance was drawn to the door, which she heard pushed open. Mr.

"Oh any reason'll do where Paris is concerned. Take some lunch?" Mr. Dosson added, looking at his watch. They rose to their feet, but before they had gone many steps the meals of this amiable family were now served in an adjoining room the young man stopped his companion. "I can't tell you how kind I think it the way you treat me, and how I'm touched by your confidence.

Dosson perhaps to call personally, and not simply through the medium of the visits paid by his daughters to their wives, on Messieurs de Brecourt and de Cliche? Once when this subject came up in George Flack's presence the old man said he would go round if Mr. Flack would accompany him. "All right, we'll go right along!" Mr.