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Tis no wit to cozen; confederacy and dishonesty will doo't without wit. Ile iustifie it: do not you know the receit of Cozenage? take an ounce of knavery at the least, and confederacie is but so many knaves put together, then you must take a very fine young Codling heire and pound him as small as you can. Un. And what then, Captaine? Cap. Why, then you must cozen him. Un. But which way? Cap.

A Bribe to Barnavelts wiffe, or a kind wench For my yong lord his Son, when he has drunck hard. There's no way els to doo't. 1 Cap. I have gold good store You shall not want that; and if I had thought on't When I left London, I had fitted you For a convenient Pagan. 2 Cap. Why, is there Such store they can be spard? 1 Cap. ... ... ... 2 Cap. I thanck you, Sir.

Nay, then she is not fit to be a baud, but tell me did you ever see her, or if so did you ever doo't with her? Un. No, but twas none of my fault; I know not what I may do in time when she understands the wordes of Command. Tho. He does not meane Mistris Dorothy: but, Captaine, I would faine know the reason why your baudes are so fat still. Cap.

Why, this was spoke like one of us; canst doo't Agen? thy voice is more authentick, soundes As I have heard a Cavalliers in taverne, Or like the merry master of the Dragon, Small Neptune, that controlls the rich Canaries, When he Comaunds the Tritons of his cellar 'Skud, and bring wine, you varlotts, with a flavour For my Nobilitie. Wee were conspiring To goe to'th taverne. Cou.

"George WASHINGTON PUGG; will you come and testify?" said the Squire with an emphasis on all the names, but rising and fairly hammering the last; when a greedy-eyed, brockle-faced, over-grown blade of seventeen opened up like a flax-brake, and loped forward over chairs and benches, responding in a houndish flat-and-treble voice, "I reckon I'll doo't! O yis, I reckon I will, Square Fabens."