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He half hoped that when that day came, Alftruda might be somewhere else. "Gilbert can say," he went on, steadying himself again, "that you feared to go north on account of the disturbed state of the country; and that, as you had given yourself up to him of your own accord, he thought it wisest to detain you, as a hostage for Dolfin's allegiance." "He shall say so. I will make him say so."

"So you could not wait for me?" said she, in a quiet whisper, and went on straight to Dolfin, who stood trembling with expectation and delight. She put her hand into his. "Here stands my champion," said she. "Say, here kneels your slave," cried the Scot, dropping to the pavement a true Highland knee. Whereon forth shrieked a bagpipe, and Dolfin's minstrel sang, in most melodious Gaelic,

But this I know, that she comes from Uchtred, the earl whom Canute slew, and that she is heir to great estates in Northumberland. "Gospatrick, that fought at Dunsinane?" "Yes, not the old Thane, his uncle, whom Tosti has murdered; but Gospatrick, King Malcolm's cousin, Dolfin's father. Well, she was his ward.

Alftruda turned her head away half contemptuously; and as she did so, she let her hand drop listlessly from Dolfin's grasp, and drew back to the other ladies. A suspicion crossed Hereward's mind. Did she really love the Prince? Did those strange words of hers mean that she had not yet forgotten Hereward himself?

"Why not burn the witch, and reward him with Alftruda instead, since your Majesty is in so gracious a humor?" said Ivo. "Alftruda! Who is she? Ay, I recollect her. Young Dolfin's wife. Why, she has a husband already." "Ay, but his Holiness at Rome can set that right. What is there that he cannot do?" "There are limits, I fear, even to his power. Eh, priest?"