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Updated: August 21, 2024

When she came to fractions it was heartrending. Common multiples and least and greatest common divisors had such a way of getting mixed up in her brain, that he felt very sorry for her. She brought over Betty's book in which all her sums in the more difficult rules had been worked out and copied beautifully.

Of the eons of geological periods recorded in the stratifications of the earth: of the myriad minute entomological organic existences concealed in cavities of the earth, beneath removable stones, in hives and mounds, of microbes, germs, bacteria, bacilli, spermatozoa: of the incalculable trillions of billions of millions of imperceptible molecules contained by cohesion of molecular affinity in a single pinhead: of the universe of human serum constellated with red and white bodies, themselves universes of void space constellated with other bodies, each, in continuity, its universe of divisible component bodies of which each was again divisible in divisions of redivisible component bodies, dividends and divisors ever diminishing without actual division till, if the progress were carried far enough, nought nowhere was never reached.

I doubt if that excuse would be accepted; at all events, I cannot accept yours." "But I hate fractions! The divisors and the multiples get all mixed up and go racing round in my head until I can't tell one from the other." "Bring your slate here." Mrs. Craven made room for her by the table. "Now, what is the trouble?"

"Sixty may be divided by any divisor of ten or twelve. Of all numbers that could be chosen as an invariable denominator for fractions, it has most divisors." FR. LENORMANT, Manuel d'Histoire ancienne, vol. ii. p. 177, third edition. AURÈS, Sur le Système métrique assyrien, p. 16. LENORMANT, Manuel, &c. vol. ii. p. 177, third edition. Ibid. p. 37. LENORMANT, Manuel, vol. ii. pp. 175, 178, 180.

No frontier picture is more familiar or more pleasing than that of the farmer's boy sitting or lying on the floor during the long winter evening industriously tracing by firelight or by candlelight the proverb or quotation assigned him as an exercise in penmanship, or wrestling with the intricacies of least common denominators and highest common divisors.

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