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"But, if Master Jack Dillard gits de 'state," she proceeded, as though she had not heard my eager question, "wy, den Sabra Smif am as dead as a door-nail from dis time to de day ob judgment, an' de ole man'll have to git anoder 'fectionate companion. I'se mity sorry for de poor ole soul, but I a'n't gwine to put myself in Jack Dillard's claws, not ef I knows myself.

"Whose cradle's that?" the sick woman's thin querulous tones arrested the man at the threshold. "Onie Dillard's," he replied hollowly from the depths of the crib which he carried upside down upon his head, like some curious kind of overgrown helmet. "Now, why in the name o' common sense would ye go and borry a broken cradle?" came the wail from the bed.

He relates that part of Simon Kenton's life history which is not usually touched upon either by the historian or the story teller. This is one of the most entertaining books for young people which has been published. Sarah Dillard's Ride. A Story of South Carolina in 1780. By JAMES OTIS. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, price $1.00.

You see I was a little shaver in dem days, an' masta liked my Congo straction, an' petted me a heap, an' I never seed the cotton-field till my ole masta died; den dey put me out ob de house, because Mass Jack Dillard's father dat was my ole mistis's own step-brother's secon' son he 'cused me ob stealin' his gole pencil-case wrongfully like I had any use fur his writin' 'tensils!"

I come over with Montgomery, and Dillard's here from the Holston country with a company." "Well," said Captain Harrod, "I reckon we'll report."

I come over with Montgomery, and Dillard's here from the Holston country with a company." "Well," said Captain Harrod, "I reckon we'll report."