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We must therefore reassure the Saxon neighborhood. ... I have been expecting answer from hour to hour; cannot suitably begin a War-Expedition till it come; do therefore apprise Your Dilection, though under the deepest secrecy.

These things We expect from your Dilection, as Kurfurst of Brandenburg, within the space of Two Months from the Issuing of this; and remain," Yours as you shall demean yourself, KARL. "Given at Wien, 4th of October, 1740." The last Dehortatorium ever signed by Karl VI. In two weeks after he ate too many mushrooms, and immense results followed!

A common-sense way of dealing with their ailments did not naturally commend itself to the shopkeepers who vended these nostrums, and he was made to feel the opposition of trade. But he was gentle to women and children and animals, and, oddly enough, it was to this latter dilection that he owed the widow's interest in him an interest that eventually made him popular elsewhere.

To the Old Dessauer he writes, few days after getting home to Potsdam: "I am ready to quit the world, as Your Dilection knows, and has various times heard me say. One ship sails faster, another slower; but they come all to one haven. His soul's interests too, we need not doubt he is in deep conference, in deep consideration about these; though nothing is said on that point.