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Her only task now, therefore, was to frame a letter that would best accomplish this end, and at the same time wring his soul with unavailing regret. But she was too sincere and sad to write diffusely and vaguely. After a few moments' thought she rapidly traced the following lines: "Mr. Van Berg: "You first saw me at a concert, and your judgement of me was correct, though severe.

In 1785 a contemporary noted that "the General is remarked for writing a most elegant letter," adding that, "like the famous Addison, his writing excells his speaking," and Jefferson said that "he wrote readily, rather diffusely, in an easy and correct style.

The good woman took the first opportunity she had to introduce the matter, a little diffusely, as is often the way of widows who keep boarders. "There's something going on I don't like, Mr. Gridley. They tell me that Minister Stoker is following round after Myrtle Hazard, talking religion at her jest about the same way he'd have liked to with our Susan, I calculate.

"Let me have the pleasure of telling it you my way," cried she, and told it diffusely, and kept him writhing. The next thing was, Josephine had received no letter from him this month; the first month he had missed. In vain did Rose represent that he was only a few days over his time.

The nerves are diffusely and unequally thickened, so that small twigs may become enlarged to the size of the median, while at irregular intervals along their course the connective-tissue overgrowth is exaggerated so as to form tumour-like swellings similar to the trunk-neuroma already described.

He expatiated diffusely on the beauties of Tangier, of which he said he was a native, and at last exclaimed, "Come, my sultan, come, my lord, and I will show you many things which will gladden your eyes, and fill your heart with sunshine; it were a shame in me, who have the advantage of being a son of Tangier, to permit a stranger who comes from an island in the great sea, as you tell me you do, for the purpose of seeing this blessed land, to stand here in the soc with no one to guide him.

The only difference is, that Gog believed the preacher of righteousness and religion. Warburton's Letters. "I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff." Wotton A preacher had held forth diffusely and ingeniously upon the doctrine that the Creator of the universe had made all things beautiful.

The oracular power of dreams, and the sanctuaries where they are supposed to be dispersed, have been diffusely treated of in the compilations of Van Dale and other learned writers.

The noble lords who have offered their sentiments on this occasion, have very diffusely expatiated on the miseries that impend over us, and have shown uncommon dexterity and acuteness in tracing them all to one source, the weakness or dishonesty of the British ministry.

"The only thing I feared, Professor, was that you would go into them too diffusely, forgetting that your audience are not savants, or even college students, such as you have been in the habit of addressing. I am very glad to find that you have just the right idea in regard to the situation," replied Captain Ringgold.