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Bimeby you'll drap off en I'll hatter tote you up ter de big 'ouse. I hear dat baby cryin', en bimeby Miss Sally'll fly up en be a holler'n atter you" "Oh, I wasn't asleep," the little boy replied. "I was just thinking." "Well, dat's diffunt," said the old man. "Ef you'll clime up on my back," he continued, speaking softly, "I speck I ain't too ole fer ter be yo' hoss fum yer ter de house.

One day when she was arranging a vase of flowers at a table on the back porch, Aunt Belindy, who was scouring knives at the same table, had followed Grégoire with her glance, when he walked away after exchanging a few words with Melicent. “God! but dats a diffunt man sence you come heah.” “Different?” questioned the girl eagerly, and casting a quick sideward look at Aunt Belindy.

"See 'em break, Dashy! See 'em break! Lots on 'em to-day, aint they? Keep still, there 's a good dog, while I put on a diffunt fly. Don't ye see they 're jumpin' at them gnats? Aint the water jest 'live with 'em? Aint it shinin' an' clear an' " The voice faltered an instant, then went on: "Yes, sir, I 'm comin' I 'm glad, dreffle glad to come.

I knew what he would say, but for the sake of hearing it once more, I had braved his quick look of commiseration for my shallowness of understanding. "Yes, seh, Mahstah Majah, Ah knows 'bout that theah 'mancipation Procalmashum. But Ah was a ve'y diffunt matteh. Yo'-all see Ah was made oveh t' Miss Cahline pussenly by Ole Mahstah.

Monday I found my garment with its full complement of buttons, but of such diversity of pattern that I planned a protest for Mammy's next visit. But when she explained that the bill was only fo'pence six and a quarter cents, Spanish and that it was the fashion now, so she was told, "to have they buttons diffunt, so they could dentrify they clothes," I settled without remark.

Mothers and fathers were sold and parted from their chillun; they wuz sold to white people in diffunt states. I tell you chile, it was pitiful, but God did not let it last always. I have heard slaves morning and night pray for deliverance. Some of 'em would stand up in de fields or bend over cotton and corn and pray out loud for God to help 'em and in time you see, He did.

"Dat ain't needer yer ner dar. W'en I see coon track in de branch, I know de coon bin 'long dar." The argument seemed unanswerable, and the little boy asked, in a confidential tone: "Uncle Remus, what are witches like?" "Dey comes diffunt," responded the cautious old darkey. "Dey comes en dey cunjus fokes.

He now shook his old white head, and heaved a deep sigh. “All dat gwine come hard an’ heavy on de madam. She don’t desarve it God knows, she don’t desarve it.” “How you, ole like you is, kin look fu’ somethin’ diffunt, Unc’ Hiurm?” observed Aunt Belindy philosophically. “Don’t you know Grégor gwine be Grégor tell he die? Dat’s all dar is ’bout it.”

Why I ain't got but a few teef left, an' a cocoanut droppin' offen a tree would shorely knock dem teef out, shorely!" "Oh, Rad, I didn't mean cocoanuts! I meant oranges and bananas they're soft," and Tom glanced quickly at Ned, for he saw that he had made a mistake. "Oh, well, den dat's diffunt, Massa Tom.

"When de Yankees came they acted diffunt and was naturally better to servants than our masters had been; we colored folks done the best we could but that was not so good right after freedom. Still it growed on and growed on getting better.