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In the case of Montana, law and order arrived almost synchronously with lawlessness and desperadoism. Law and order had not long to wait before the arrival of the notorious Henry Plummer and his band from Florence. Plummer was already known as a bad man, but was not yet recognized as the leader of that secret association of robbers and murderers which had terrorized the Idaho camps.

Its inhabitants number about three thousand, and in its quality as terminus of an unfinished railroad it has that flavor of desperadoism which usually attaches to positions of that kind.

Since it would be impossible to go into any detailed mention of the scores and hundreds of desperadoes who have at different times been produced by the Nations, it may be sufficient to give a few of the salient features of the careers of the band which, as well as any, may be called typical of the Indian Nations brand of desperadoism the once notorious Dalton boys.

The mines of California and the Rockies; the cattle of the great plains write the story of these and you have much of the story of Western desperadoism. For, in spite of the fact that the ideal desperado was one who did not rob or kill for gain, the most usual form of early desperadoism had to do with attempts at unlawfully acquiring another man's property.

I would publish the name, but for the suspicion that he might come and carve me. He finally inquired if Brown still thirsted for blood. Brown turned the thing over in his mind a moment, and then asked him to supper. With the permission of the reader, I will group together, in the next chapter, some samples of life in our small mountain village in the old days of desperadoism.

These were a class of men the outgrowth of Western desperadoism, now happily passed into history. Without the fear of God, Man, or the Law, they would singly or in bands attack trains, rob the mail, express and sometimes the passengers.

In all the history of American desperadoism and of the movements which have checked it, there is no page more worth study than this from the story of the great Golden State. The moral is a sane, clean, and strong one.

It does not mean that we shall waste any maudlin sentiment over a desperado; and certainly it does not mean that we shall have anything but contempt for the pretender at desperadoism. Who and what was the bad man? Scientifically and historically he was even as you and I. Whence did he come? From any and all places. What did he look like?

I wish to so alter it as to put a premium on intelligence and character, and close the jury box against idiots, blacklegs, and people who do not read newspapers. But no doubt I shall be defeated every effort I make to save the country "misses fire." My idea, when I began this chapter, was to say something about desperadoism in the "flush times" of Nevada.

I wish to so alter it as to put a premium on intelligence and character, and close the jury box against idiots, blacklegs, and people who do not read newspapers. But no doubt I shall be defeated every effort I make to save the country "misses fire." My idea, when I began this chapter, was to say something about desperadoism in the "flush times" of Nevada.