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Decked as she now was in pure white, she had the appearance of a bride. It was, of course, by her father's request; but what did it mean? Did he intend by this to make it known that Mary was betrothed, and would soon be wedded? Such thoughts as these agitated Geronimo as the young girl accompanied her father into the room. The old Deodati rose and advanced to meet her.

Mary rose quickly to descend; but Petronilla wished to detain her, saying: "My child, in pity to a sorrowing old man, restrain your grief. Control yourself, Mary, for yesterday each word you uttered pierced the heart of the poor Deodati like a dagger. It would be cruel and guilty in you to cause his tears to flow anew; at his age such affliction wears down the strength and shortens life."

His laudable course of conduct was but a base hypocrisy!" "And nevertheless," murmured the old Deodati, "my unfortunate nephew had a pure and loving heart! Might not his blindness have been the effect of one solitary and momentary error? Perhaps so. Man sometimes meets fatal temptations which attract him irresistibly, but to which he yields only once in his life."

From this day forward the Signor Geronimo is as a stranger whom we have never known." Deodati regarded the irritated nobleman with tearful eyes, and seemed to deprecate the inflexible decree. Mr. Van de Werve took his hand, and said in a calmer manner: "Be reasonable, signor, and do not let yourself be blinded by affection.

From morning until night he is running about from place to place, seeking Geronimo as though he were a beloved brother." "Truly," said Mary, "his is a generous heart. Poor Simon! I have sometimes been unjust to him; but it is in affliction that we learn who are our true friends. For the rest of my life I will respect and esteem him." "He will meet me here, presently," replied Deodati.

ISOLANI. Plague upon them! all the Germans think so Esterhazy, Kaunitz, Deodati, too, Insist upon obedience to the court. OCTAVIO. I am rejoiced to hear it. ISOLANI. You rejoice? OCTAVIO. That the emperor has yet such gallant servants, And loving friends. ISOLANI. Nay, jeer not, I entreat you. They are no such worthless fellows, I assure you. OCTAVIO. I am assured already.

She hesitated awhile as to the language in which to sing, and was turning over the leaves of a book handed her by Master Christian. The old Deodati expressed a wish to hear a song in the language of the Low Countries, and begging pardon of the Italian gentlemen, Mary said she would sing a Kyrie Eleison in her maternal tongue.

"Come, sir," he said, "let us make these young people happy." "With all my heart, signor; but what will you do? My daughter is descended from an illustrious house; she must live in the world in a manner to do honor to her birth; as her father, I have duties to fulfil which I cannot disregard." "Poor Geronimo!" said the Signor Deodati, in a tone of compassion, and with a deep sigh.

I lent him the ton thousand crowns, and at his earnest solicitation, in order to conceal the knowledge of this loan from the clerks, I made no entry upon the books of the transaction, but was satisfied with an acknowledgment in writing of the debt." Old Deodati made an exclamation of joy, ran to his nephew, and embraced him affectionately. "God be praised! Dear Geronimo, you restore me to life.

It was only when the servant threw open the door and announced Signor Turchi that the young girl, aroused from her reverie, rose hastily and went eagerly to meet him, as though she expected him to be the bearer of important news. Mr. Van de Werve and Deodati also met him at the door; Mary involuntarily took both his hands in hers, and all three regarded him inquiringly.