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I suppose when ye've paid and fed sae mony servants, and dressed yersel' in silks and satins, and bocht every denty ye can think of, and kept up a great big hoose an' a great muckle caur, there's no' that much left for the kirk-plate, or the heathen, or the hospitals ... Oh, it's peetifu'!" Mawson nodded wisely. "There's plenty Mrs.

"It's a bonnie show and denty, an' no wunner the lassies stan' and stare. "But gae intae the shop, and peety me, there's next tae naethin'; it's a' in the window. "Noo, that's Maister Popinjay, as neat an' fikey a little mannie as ever a' saw in a black goon.

It was a silk handkerchief, then they would be silken hose; they matched then the whole outfit was a present of Clem's, a costly present, and not something to be worn through bog and briar, or on a late afternoon of Sunday. He whistled. "My denty May, either your heid's fair turned, or there's some ongoings!" he observed, and dismissed the subject.

Indeed? a scheme o' yours? that must be a denty ane!" said the uncle, with a very peculiar sneer; "let's hear about it, lad." "It is said in two words, sir. I intend to leave this country, and serve abroad, as my father did before these unhappy troubles broke out at home.

It was a silk handkerchief, then they would be silken hose; they matched then the whole outfit was a present of Clem's, a costly present, and not something to be worn through bog and briar, or on a late afternoon of Sunday. He whistled. "My denty May, either your heid's fair turned, or there's some ongoings!" he observed, and dismissed the subject.

Indeed? a scheme o' yours? that must be a denty ane!" said the uncle, with a very peculiar sneer; "let's hear about it, lad." "It is said in two words, sir. I intend to leave this country, and serve abroad, as my father did before these unhappy troubles broke out at home.