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'She is always right, rejoined Mr Mantalini soothingly, 'and when she says it is time to go, it is time, and go she shall; and when she walks along the streets with her own tulip, the women shall say, with envy, she has got a demd fine husband; and the men shall say with rapture, he has got a demd fine wife; and they shall both be right and neither wrong, upon my life and soul oh demmit!

"Lud love you, sir," he muttered good-humouredly, "demmit, young man, what's the good of your sword to me?"

'Dear me, child! exclaimed Madame Mantalini, recoiling in surprise. 'How came you here? 'Child! cried Mantalini, hurrying in. 'How came eh! oh demmit, how d'ye do? 'I have been waiting, here some time, ma'am, said Kate, addressing Madame Mantalini. 'The servant must have forgotten to let you know that I was here, I think.

Such a demd extraordinary out-of-the-way kind of thing as never was eh? 'What do you mean? asked Ralph. 'Don't you know, demmit? asked Mr Mantalini.

I am sure we have detained him much too long already. Mr Mantalini answered, in the first instance, by tapping Madame Mantalini several times on the nose, and then, by remarking in words that he had nothing more to say. 'Demmit! I have, though, he added almost immediately, drawing Ralph into a corner. 'Here's an affair about your friend Sir Mulberry.

"And so you are going to America?" inquired Barnabas, as he sank into a chair, a little wearily. "I sail for New York in three days' time, sir." "But what of your place in Worcestershire?" "Gone, sir," said Mr. Smivvle, beginning to feel for his whisker. "Historic place, though devilish damp and draughty will echo to the tread of a Smivvle no more highly affecting thought, sir oh demmit!"

'We must have some more, said Mantalini; 'we must have some discount out of old Nickleby to carry on the war with, demmit. 'You can't want any more just now, said Madame coaxingly. 'My life and soul, returned her husband, 'there is a horse for sale at Scrubbs's, which it would be a sin and a crime to lose going, my senses' joy, for nothing. 'For nothing, cried Madame, 'I am glad of that.

"Now, run along over and apologize; scratch humble gravel clear down to China, if necessary. And mind you do it right proper. Some people apologize by saying: 'If I've said anything I'm sorry for, I'm glad of it. Eh, demmit, remember never to compete for the right with a woman. Women are always right. Man shouldn't be his own press-agent. It's woman's position and delight.

These little tiffs have to be killed early like spring chickens. Sue has her dander up, I tell you. She met your aunt to-day. Said flatly that she had broken the engagement; that it was final " "Oh, she did?" was all Garrison could find to interrupt with. "Eh, demmit; pride, boy, pride," said the major confidently.

At the sound of Ralph's voice, the head reappeared, and the mouth, displaying a very long row of very white teeth, uttered in a mincing tone the words, 'Demmit. What, Nickleby! oh, demmit! Having uttered which ejaculations, the gentleman advanced, and shook hands with Ralph, with great warmth.