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My boy, for illuminating purposes and economy combined, there's nothing in the world that begins with sewer-gas. And really, it don't cost a cent. You put in a good inferior article of plumbing, such as you find everywhere and add my decomposer, and there you are. Just use the ordinary gas pipes and there your expense ends. Think of it.

Wolf changed colour, and was ill at ease. Here was a bold and ugly customer. However, he said nothing, and felt sure his morphia could not be detected in beer by any decomposer but the stomach. Still he was rather mystified. In the evening Alfred came dressed into the drawing-room, and found several gentlemen and ladies there. One of the ladies seemed to attract the lion's share of male homage.

«Nous connoissons peu encore ce que c'est que cette terre végétable, ce dépôt des pluies ou en général de l'air. Cependant, en rassemblant les phénomènes, on peut conjecturer, que la plupart des corps terrestres sont susceptibles d'être changés en cette substance, et qu'il ne s'agit pour cette transformation que de les décomposer. J'entends par l

I give you my word of honor that if you show me a house that produces a given quantity of sewer-gas in a day, I'll engage to set up my decomposer there and make that house produce a hundred times that quantity of sewer-gas in less than half an hour." "Dear me, but why should you want to?" "Want to? Listen, and you'll see.

Ain't that so? you know perfectly well it's so." "Yes it is so but I never er I don't quite see why a body " "Should want to save it up? Well, I'll tell you. Do you see this little invention here? it's a decomposer I call it a decomposer.