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"Ay, ye say that sittin' there," Hookey said; "but, lads, I saw his face, an' as sure as death it was sic an' awfu' meeserable face 'at I couldna but pu' the powny up. Weel, he stood for the space o' a meenute lookin' straucht at me, as if he would like to come forrit but dauredna, an' syne he turned an' strided awa ower the muir like a huntit thing.

The miller made Thomas drink a glass of whisky and get into his bed. "I saw ye, Thamas, upo' yer knees," said he; "but I dauredna come near ye. Put in a word for me, neist time, man." Thomas made him no reply. Down the Glamour and down the Wan-Water, for the united streams went by the latter name, the terrible current bore them.

"None o' thae things would I do," said Waster Lunny," and sal, I dauredna, for Davit Lunan was glowering over my shuther. Ay, you may scrowl at me, Elspeth Proctor, but as far back as I can mind, Ezra has done me. Mony a time afore I start for the kirk I take my Bible to a quiet place and look Ezra up.

'Since the raid on the stake-nets, said Benjie, with his finger in his mouth. 'And what made you follow us? 'I dauredna stay at hame for the constables, replied the boy. 'And what have you been doing all this time? 'Doing, sir?

I needna say the bridegroom wasna there. Some fowk thoucht it a guid sign that he hadna cairried the body wi' him; but maybe he was ower suddent scared by the fut o' the priest's horse upo' the drawbrig, an' dauredna bide his oncome. Sae the fower fut stane wa' had to flee afore him, for a throu gang to the Prence o' the Pooer o' the Air.

As he crossed the Roods, Gavin saw a gleam of red-coats. In the back wynd he heard a bugle blown. A stir in the Banker's close spoke of another seizure. At the top of the school wynd two policeman, of whom one was Wearyworld, stopped the minister with the flash of a lantern. "We dauredna let you pass, sir," the Tilliedrum man said, "without a good look at you. That's the orders."