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'Just the very thing, my dear, if we could get anything cheap to take us; the baby, of course, must go with us. 'I should like above everything to go to Great Oakhurst. 'What, five of us twenty miles there and twenty miles back! Besides, although I love the place, it isn't exactly what one would go to see just for a day. No! Letherhead or Mickleham or Darkin would be ever so much better.

Now here, in the thick of life, then, out there, beyond this world in the darkin purgatory." The brave old man had accomplished what everyone else, priest, lawyer, Sheriff and watcher, had failed to do: he had shaken Grassette out of his blank isolation and obdurate unrepentance, had touched some chord of recognisable humanity.

'You've got a mother, haven't you leastways, I know you have, because you wrote to her. 'Yes. 'Well, and you lives with her and she looks after you? 'Yes. 'And she's fond of you, maybe? 'Oh, yes. 'That's a marcy; well then, my dear, you shall go back in the cart to Letherhead, and you'll catch the Darkin coach to London. 'You have been very good to me; what have I to pay you? 'Pay?

Now here, in the thick of life, then, out there, beyond this world in the darkin purgatory." The brave old man had accomplished what everyone else, priest, lawyer, Sheriff and watcher, had failed to do: he had shaken Grassette out of his blank isolation and obdurate unrepentance, had touched some chord of recognisable humanity.

I've come all the way from Darkin, and I'm goin' to Great Oakhurst. That's a longish step there and back again; not that this is the nearest way, but I don't like climbing them hills, and then when I get to Letherhead I shall have a lift in a cart. Madge felt bound to say something as the sunburnt face looked kind and motherly. 'I suppose you live at Great Oakhurst? 'Yes.

Not that I don't miss my walk sometimes into Darkin; you remember that way as I took you once, Baruch, across the hill, and we went over Ranmore Common and I showed you Camilla Lacy, and you said as you knew a woman who wrote books who once lived there? You remember them beech-woods? Ah, it was one October! Weren't they a colour weren't they lovely? Baruch remembered them well enough.

I'd ever so much sooner be a-walking across the turnips by the footpath from Darkin home. 'Couldn't we, for once in a way, stay somewhere over-night? 'It might as well be two, said Mrs Marshall; 'Saturday and Sunday. 'Two, said Madge; 'I vote for two.

I do: my husband, God bless him! he was a kind of foreman at The Towers, and when he died I was left alone and didn't know what to be at, as both my daughters were out and one married; so I took the general shop at Great Oakhurst, as Longwood used to have, but it don't pay for I ain't used to it, and the house is too big for me, and there isn't nobody proper to mind it when I goes over to Darkin for anything.