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"He'd 'a' cuffed the kid ef he da'st, he glared at her that ugly!" "Like to see 'im try it!" responded Johnson through his teeth, with a look to which his blank eye lent mysterious menace. The time soon came, however, when McWha resumed his old seat and his old attitude on the bench. Rosy-Lilly avoided him for two evenings, but on the third the old fascination got the better of her pique.

"Even if Ward didn't catch you, you'd find that no man would da'st to leave there. Furthermore, you've only got a little, short job here, scarcely worth while." The logic of the reply impressed Parker. He could not spare the time anyway, to travel far up into the woods in quest of horses. His material must be conveyed across Spinnaker Lake in some other way.

Their friend Winnie came out to meet them, looking rather astonished. "We're going to learn," shouted Lu, "get on your bonnet." "But you wasn't good to me to-day," said Winnie, thoughtfully. "We didn't da'st to be," said Kathie, "till we'd asked somebody that knew." Mrs.

"My little boy!" said the miner "my little boy!" and taking both doll and little man in his arms he held them in passionate tenderness against his heart. "How da'st you come in my kitchen with your dirty boots?" demanded Miss Dennihan, in all her unabashed pugnacity.

It was about this time that Corinne and Robert Day strayed down the front steps, consulted together and ventured down the street, came back, and ventured again to the next corner. "He gave us the slip before," said Robert, "but I'd like to get a good look at him for once." "Would you da'st to spend your gold dollar, though," said aunt Corinne. "Well, that's better than losin' it," he responded.