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'Crave your pardon, good sir, I said; for poor little Ruth was fainting again at his savage orders: 'but my cousin's arm shall not be burned; it is a great deal too pretty, and I have sucked all the poison out. Look, sir, how clean and fresh it is. 'Bless my heart! And so it is! No need at all for cauterising. The epidermis will close over, and the cutis and the pellis.

"Crave your pardon, good sir," I said; for poor little Ruth was fainting again at his savage orders: "but my cousin's arm shall not be burned; it is a great deal too pretty, and I have sucked all the poison out. Look, sir, how clean and fresh it is." "Bless my heart! And so it is! No need at all for cauterising. The epidermis will close over, and the cutis and the pellis.

He only strapped up my cut, and informed me that it would speedily get well by the "first intention," an odd phrase enough, but sounding much less formidable than cutis oenea. I am afraid I have had something of the French prejudice which embodies itself in the maxim "young surgeon, old physician."

There was no mistake about it; it was a genuine historical document, of the Ziska drum-head pattern, a real cutis humana, stripped from some old Scandinavian filibuster, and the legend was true. My friend, the Professor, settled an important historical and financial question once by the aid of an exceedingly minute fragment of a similar document.

A sudden rise of temperature is usually associated with a feeling of chilliness down the back and in the limbs, which may be so marked that the patient shivers violently, while the skin becomes cold, pale, and shrivelled cutis anserina. This is a nervous reaction due to a want of correspondence between the internal and the surface temperature of the body, and is known clinically as a rigor.

Reverdin's method consists in planting out pieces of skin not bigger than a pin-head over a granulating surface. It is seldom employed. Grafts of the Cutis Vera. Grafts consisting of the entire thickness of the true skin were specially advocated by Wolff and are often associated with his name.

He only strapped up my cut, and informed me that it would speedily get well by the "first intention," an odd phrase enough, but sounding much less formidable than cutis oenea. I am afraid I have had something of the French prejudice which embodies itself in the maxim "young surgeon, old physician."

The cuticle rose in the palms and soles like blisters, having, however, no fluid beneath, and when it came off it left the underlying cutis exposed for a few days. Sometimes, upon catching cold, before quite free from feverish symptoms, a second separation of the cuticle from the cutis occurred, but it appeared so thin as to be like scurf, demonstrating the quick renewal of the parts.

There had been no rain for some time, so that the parched and barren pastures near the town might, with great truth, be called Rosinante's own. The mules feeding on them put you in mind of Ovid's description of famine: Dura cutis, per quam spectari viscera possent. It is somewhat singular that there is not a single river or brook in the whole Island of Antigua.

I was once, I remember, called to a patient who had received a violent contusion in his tibia, by which the exterior cutis was lacerated, so that there was a profuse sanguinary discharge; and the interior membranes were so divellicated, that the os or bone very plainly appeared through the aperture of the vulnus or wound.