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Thus it may be serous, as in some forms of synovitis; sero-fibrinous, as in certain varieties of peritonitis, the fibrin tending to limit the spread of the inflammation by forming adhesions; croupous, when it coagulates on a free surface and forms a false membrane, as in diphtheria; hæmorrhagic when mixed with blood; or purulent, when suppuration has occurred.

All that care could do was done, but our giant weakened. The doctors talk of the croupous form of pneumonia, and of some other form I do not know the difference but I do know that this man had a great pain in his chest, and that his head ached, and that he had alternate arctic chills and flames of fever. His pulse was rapid, and he gasped as he breathed.

Spirillum cholera: asiaticae Croupous pneumonia. Micrococcus pneumonia crouposa. Diphtheria. Bacillus diphtheria. Glanders. Bacillus mallei. Gonorrhoea. Micrococcus gonorrhaeae Influenza. Bacillus of influenza. Leprosy. Bacillus leprae. Relapsing fever. Spirillum Obermeieri. Bacillus tetani. Typhoid fever. Bacillus typhi abdominalis.

The course of croupous pneumonia is typical, and unless it terminates fatally in the first stage, the periods of congestion, hepatization and resolution follow each other in regular manner. Auscultation of the lungs is of great value in diagnosing and watching the progress of the disease.

PNEUMONIA. Inflammation of the lungs is more common in horses than in any of the other domestic animals. The croupous form is the most common. The inflammation may affect one or both lungs, one or more lobes, or scattered lobules of lung tissue. The inflammation may be acute, subacute or chronic. The causes are very much the same as in other respiratory diseases.