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As babies are all under the patronage of the moon, the mothers are very careful every new moon to make a white cross-like mark on the babies' foreheads, and white dabs on cheeks and chins. And very careful are the mothers not to look at the full moon, nor let their babies do so; an attack of thrush would be the result.

The backs and sides are covered with the most elaborate hieroglyphics, deeply carved the whole forming a mass of rich ornamentation. Before several of the idols stand altars, also carved in the same finished way. The most interesting figure which, unlike all the others, is remarkable for its simplicity is that of a human being, bearing on its head a heavy cross-like crown.

"Still, if you are going to hug, bite and scratch me, I suppose it can't be helped." "Not the least in the world can it be helped," said the bear, cross-like and unpleasant. "So don't try!" "Well, if you are going to hug me I had better take this bottle out of my pocket, so when you squeeze me the glass won't break," Uncle Wiggily said.

It consists of five stars in the form of an irregular diamond, and it is not half so cross-like as the so-called False Cross. Next morning the military band came down and gave us an hour's concert on the promenade deck. We sat about under the awnings with our novels or our sewing or our attention.

Juon tucked up the wide shirt sleeve from his herculean arm and Szilard was astonished to see the half healed and cross-like scar it had been a deep gash. "So now, sir," pursued Juon, "you can see that I am not dreaming. Watch well, for Fatia Negra will come. Not to-night for he awaits you on the road by which you came.

Frequently the steps were cut into the sacred boulders consecrated to ancestor worship. It was easy for an Inca architect, accustomed to the stairway motif, to have conceived these curious doorways on Koati and also the cross-like niches between them, even if he had never seen any representation of a Papal cross, or a cross nowy quadrant. My friend, Mr.

"Oh, that isn't right," said Mr. Longears. "Little boys, whether they are squirrels, rabbits or real children, should try to be jolly and happy, and not peevish." "How can a fellow be happy when there's no fun?" asked Billie, sort of cross-like. "My brother Johnnie got out of school early, and he and the other animal boys have gone off to play where I can't find them.

I’m sorry, teacher,” said Bully. “You may go,” said the young robin lady with a smile. “How about you, Bawly?” “I’m not!” he exclaimed, real cross-like, “and I’ll whisper again,” for all the while Bawly had been thinking how mean the teacher was to keep him in when he wanted to go out and play ball.

Blinder's left that door open again!" said she, closing it. "Is Mrs. Blinder the housekeeper?" "There's no housekeeper: Mrs. Blinder's the cook." "And is that her room?" "Laws, no," said the house-maid, cross-like. "That's nobody's room. It's empty, I mean, and the door hadn't ought to be open. Mrs. Brympton wants it kept locked."

Some of them wore on the head the scarlet beak of the hornbill; these had taken heads. Quite a number, both men and women, had a small cross-like pattern tattooed on the forehead; the significance of this I did not learn.