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Diving from this overhanging beam, for Ovid evidently meant that Midas to be cured must dive, "Subde caput, corpusque simul, simul elue crinem," one finds as kindly a reception from the water as in childish days, and as safe a shelter in the green dressing-room afterwards; and the patient wherry floats near by, in readiness for a reëmbarkation.

In helping to disband his party, he had cashiered himself; and there remained to him now, for the residue of his days, but that frailest of all sublunary treasures, a Prince's friendship. "dextra crinem secat, omnis et una Dilapsus calor, atque in ventos vita recessit."

The generosity of one time will be but justice in another; the temperance that brings respect and distinction in one age, will be but decorum in one more civilized, yet the principles are at all times the same." "Nigrum flavo crinem abscondente galero" Tertullian, in his treatise "De Cultu Foeminarum," declaims with his usual fiery rhetoric against this habit.

In consensum vertit. Has become the common custom. Ut primum. Just as soon as. A causal relation is also implied; hence followed by the subj. Crinem submittere. Turn. His. Ang. Sax., App. to B. 2. Super spolia, i.e. over the bloody spoils of a slain enemy. Revelant, i.e. they remove the hair and beard, which have so long veiled the face.

Nec tantum Geticis grassatus proditor armis: Ante Sibyllinæ fata cremavit opis. Odimus Althæam consumti funere torris: Niseum crinem flere putantur aves: At Stilicho æterni fatalia pignora regni; Et plenas voluit præcipitare colus. Omnia Tartarei cessent tormenta Neronis, Consumat Stygias tristior umbra faces. Hic immortalem, mortalem perculit ille: Hic mundi matrem perculit, ille suam.