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Or maybe the Sheriff has an extra hard case at avizandum, not to be seen clearly through with a common creesh flame." "That's aye you," cried Miss Mary, indignant "People might slap you in the face and you would have no interest." She hastened to Peggy in the kitchen and Peggy shared her wonder, though she was not permitted to see her annoyance.

"Then it was not Andy. Andy is like a hogshead a blob of creesh with a turnip on the top and he would fall with a curse." "Name of a pipe! I know him; he debated the last few yards of the way with me, and I gave him De Chenier's mace in the jaw." "Sir?" "I put him slightly out of countenance with the butt and trigger-guard of my pistol.

By ill-fortune he cam' on the handle o' the denner bell, an' liftin't, it ga'e a creesh an' a clang that knokit a' the sense oot o' Sandy's heid, and wauken'd half the fowk i' the hoose.

The heavy stone missed the eye by an inch or two, but it struck the fish on the nose and teeth with a force that would have felled a bullock. "Creesh!" went the sea-tiger's flesh and teeth, and the blood squirted in a circle. Down went the shark like a lump of lead, literally felled by the crashing stroke. "I've hit him! I've hit him!" roared George, seizing another stone.

"Hout awa, ye auld gowk," said Jenny Rintherout, "would ye creesh his bonny brown hair wi' your nasty ulyie, and then moust it like the auld minister's wig? Ye'll be for your breakfast, I'se warrant? hae, there's a soup parritch for ye it will set ye better tae be slaistering at them and the lapper-milk than meddling wi' Mr.

"And to you, bonny lad," replied the complimented dame, dropping a courtesy, "may the corbie never cry at ye nor ill-faured pie juik at your left elbow. May candle creesh never fa' on ye, red fire burn ye, nor water scald ye." Tib was reeling off her catalogue of blessings when Sholto cut her short.

You're like a damnationed big lump o' creesh," and he laughed in her face, knowing this would rouse her more than ever. Then as she choked and spluttered in her anger he said: "But what the hell odds is't to you, you baggage?" and his eyes and voice were cold and brutal beyond expression.

The sea gulls flew in circles round the vessel; late as it was, they still hoped something might be thrown out. Captain Jack caught them by the long feathers of their wings, and they tumbled on the deck, and hopped stiffly about. "Creesh, creesh!" cried they; "it is that villain, Captain Jack, who has served us thus! Ugh! how stiff we are!" Crick, crack! sounded through the air.

"Hout awa, ye auld gowk," said Jenny Rintherout, "would ye creesh his bonny brown hair wi' your nasty ulyie, and then moust it like the auld minister's wig? Ye'll be for your breakfast, I'se warrant? hae, there's a soup parritch for ye it will set ye better tae be slaistering at them and the lapper-milk than meddling wi' Mr.