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"'It's meeserable wark for Christ's Elder, says Jeems, 'tae put the fear o' death on a bairn, and a'm thinkin' he wudna get muckle thanks frae his Maister if He wes here, and Jeems wasna far wrong, though, of course, a' told him tae keep a quiet sough, and no conter the elder. "Weel, I sees Lachlan comin' up the road the day, and a' ran oot to catch Elsie and hide her in the byre.

"So a' saw there wes nae ither wy o't but tae mairry ye an' get some kind of order in the hoose; noo ye 'll understand the poseetion an' no need anither tellin'; ootside in the kirk an' pairish ye 're maister, an' a 'll never conter ye, for a' ken ma place as a kirk member an' yir place as beadle; inside in this hoose a 'm maister, an' ye 'll dae what ye 're bid, always in due submission tae the Doctor, wha 's maister baith in an' oot.

"Nelly Carnegie, what's your will?" "Not that man, mother; not that fearsome man!" pleaded Nelly, with streaming eyes and beseeching tones, her high spirit for the moment broken; her contempt gone, only her aversion and terror urging a hearing "The lad that's blate and dull till he's braggit by his fellows, and then starker than ony carle, wild like a north-country cateran; even the haill bench o' judges would not stand to conter him."

"C'est del Graal dont nus ne doit Le secret dire ne conter; Car tel chose poroit monter Li contes ains qu'il fust tos dis Que teus hom en seroit maris Qui ne l'aroit mie fourfait. .............................. Car, se Maistre Blihis ne ment Nus ne doit dire le secre." The above refers to Gawain's adventure at the Black Chapel, en route for the Grail Castle.

Miss W must have had in great perfection the French art, "conter," to judge from her pupil's recollections of the tales she related during these long walks, of this old house, or that new mill, and of the states of society consequent on the changes involved by the suggestive dates of either building.

"He had no word of that at the time," he said. "No likely! He says if the ministers was so doited as to think his loon did best, it wasna for him to conter them." "Man, Corp, you ca'me me aff my feet! How do you ken this?" Corp had promised not to tell, and he thought he did not tell, but Tommy was too clever for him. Grizel, it appeared, had heard Mr.