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"Now," said Moise, "we'll show those boy how a Companee man make the portage." He busied himself arranging his packs, first calling for the tent, on which he placed one package after another.

"Throw something on top of her," said Moise. "She'll been too light! I'm afraid I'll ron off, me." "Well, look at that man," said Jesse, admiringly. "I didn't know any man was so strong." "Those Companee man, she'll have to be strong like hox!" said Moise, laughing. "You'll ought to seen heem. Me, I'm not ver' strong. Two, three hondred pounds, she'll make me tire."

When the Germans stopped singing "Marchen Rote," the boys heard Watts McHurdie's high tenor voice start up "The Dutch Companee," and the crowd that was lining the street cheered and cheered. A Missouri regiment followed and more regulars, and then a battery of four guns passed, and then came more Kansans still going to that everlasting convention.

As he approached his company, the smile left his lips and he advanced his chin, walking with heavy precise steps. "Sergeant, you may dismiss the company." The lieutenant's voice was pitched in a hard staccato. The sergeant's hand snapped up to salute like a block signal. "Companee dis...missed," he rang out.

He himself was a man of considerable intelligence and education, as the boys already had learned. "I know," said Rob, nodding. "For instance, Simon Fraser " "Yes, I know those Simon Fraser he's beeg man in the Companee," broke in Moise, who very likely did not know what he was talking about. Alex smiled. "There have always been Mackenzies and Frasers in the fur trade. This was a long time ago."

It was no longer a question of suspicions, of precedents, of deductions from the significance of a host of former misdoings. Out of his own mouth was the Governor convicted. "At my own time, and in my own way," he had said. It was a phrase, nothing more, and could be boiled down until its whole purport was contained in one word Never! "Fours left March! Companee halt!"

"I think we'd rather have something about your own country, about animals, the same as you told us back in the mountains, perhaps." "Well," said Moise, "I'll told you the story of how the ermine he'll got the end of his tail black." "Long tam 'go," said Moise, "before my onkle he'll been born, all peoples lived in the woods, and there was no Companee here for trade.

"Turn round this away and face to me," continued the gallant Captain, "and then on the left form good companee." The oblate spheroid assumed an archipelagic formation, melting into irregularly-placed military islands upon a sea of dust.

So, after all, as we have only him and Fraser for guides, we'll take a little credit to ourselves, just as he did!" "Yes," said Moise. "My people, she'll own this whole contree. They'll show the Companee how to take hold, all right. But that's all right; I'm glad, me." "It looks a little tame," grumbled John, "coming through here where those old fur-traders knew every foot of the country."

"The third day following, viz., the 21, our ship having received a leake at sea, was brought to anchor neerer the shoare, that her goods being landed she might be repaired; but for that we were to prevent any danger that might chance against our safety, our Generall first of all landed his men, with all necessary provision, to build tents and make a fort for the defence of ourselves and our goods . . . which when the people of the country perceived us doing, as men set on fire to war in defence of their countrie, in great hast and companee, with such weapons as they had, they came down unto us, and yet with no hostile meaning or intent to hurt us: standing when they drew neerer, as men ravished in their mindes, with the sight of such things, as they never had scene or heard of before that time: their errand being rather with submission and feare to worship us as Gods, than to have warre with us as mortall men: which thing, as it did partly show itselfe at that instant, so did it more and more manifest itself afterwards, during the whole time of our abode amongst them.