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She afterwards declared that when she saw the two sitting there so innocent-like, not dreaming of the comether she had put upon them, she secretly and unbeknownst let a few tears fall into the cream-pitcher. Whether or not it was this material expression of Margaret's penitence that spoiled the coffee does not admit of inquiry; but the coffee was bad.

How does ut come about, sorr, that when a man has put the comether on wan woman, he's sure bound to put it on another? 'Tis the same thing at musketry. Wan day ivry shot goes wide or into the bank, an' the next, lay high lay low, sight or snap, ye can't get off the bull's-eye for ten shots runnin'. 'That only happens to a man who has had a good deal of experience.

"Divil a less!" rang back a rich brogue; "and it's not the furst time we put the comether upon ye, England, my jewal!" One more mutual glance, and then the mortal cleverness of all this began to dawn on their minds; and they broke forth into clapping of hands, and gave this accomplished mime three rounds of applause; Mr. Vane and Sir Charles Pomander leading with, "Bravo, Woffington!"

"What have I to gain by robbing the young lady of her inheritance? I'd be more likely to lose by it than gain." "Lose by it? Why?" "That is my affair," Asgill answered. And he hummed: They tried put the comether on Judy McBain: One, two, three, one, two, three! Cotter and crowder and Paddy O'Hea; For who but she's owner of Ballymacshane?

It was up out of their beds they were this morning at six o'clock, when you'd think the likes of them would be asleep." "I seen them," said Kinsella. "And the one of them is as bad as the other. You'd be hard put to it to say whether it was Priscilla has put the comether on the young fellow or him that had her druv' on to be doing what it would be better for her to leave alone."

'You've been thrapped, sez he. 'Ju Sheehy wud be the betther for a man's name to hers as soon as can. An' ye thought ye'd put the comether on her, that's the natural vanity of the baste. Terence, you're a big born fool, but you're not bad enough to marry into that comp'ny.

"Put a comether on her before she knew it," explained the private to himself. There followed swift, broken murmurs, incoherent, annoyingly, to the listener, but the soldier's arms had not relaxed and the arms of the girl were visibly compressed about his neck. Then they fell half apart once more. The watcher saw that the girl was weeping, convulsed with long, dry, shuddering sobs.

Patman having been a widow, while the little girl was the child of a wife whom Tom Patman had already buried; for though he looked full young to have embarked upon matrimony at all, this was his second venture. "And it's a quare comether she must ha' been after puttin' on him," quoth Mrs.

"'Well, ses the grasshopper, 'there's no doubt but vanity, ignorance and ambition are three wonderful things an' you have them all. "'Neither you nor Napoleon, nor the Kaiser himself an' his hundred million men could do hurt or harm to me. You could have every soldier in the German Army, the French Army, an' the Salvation Army lookin' for me an' I'd put the comether on them all.

"Ju Sheehy wud be the betther for a man's name to hers as soon as can. An' we thought ye'd put the comether on her, that's the natural vanity of the baste, Terence, you're a big born fool, but you're not bad enough to marry into that comp'ny.