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This was hailed with a sally by the very men who, only one hour ago, were shouting themselves hoarse with the cries of "Viva el general, Viva Santa Anna!" And on they scrambled, talking as before, one of them informing his comrades with a laugh that if "los Tejanos" could lay their hands upon "El Cojo", they, the Mexicans, would have to look out for a new president. They had now passed us.

I'm as hungry as a famished coyote." "Carrai! the coyotes of these parts won't be hungry for some time. Vaya!" "Who knows whether they've killed `El Cojo'?" "`Catch a fox, kill a fox. No. He's found some hole to creep through, I warrant him. "`El que mata un ladron Tiene cien anos de perdon."

That might have done when we first turned their party out. But of late, things are somewhat changed. In the hills of the Moctezumas matters are again getting complicated, and just now our worthy chief, El Cojo, will scarce dare to sign a sentence of death, especially where the party to be passado por les armes is a man of note like Don Valerian Miranda." "He must die?" "Teniente!

Cojo, another, had defended his master against the insurgents until he was obliged by ill usage to take refuge among them; and he still bore upon his wrist, when Stedman saw him, a silver band, with the inscription, "True to the Europeans." In dealing with wrongs like these, Mr.

At these cries the cripple stuck his head out of the entrance to the cave, dragging himself along on his hands, bellowing blasphemies in fury. "Cojo! Cojo!" yelled El Mariane again, as if inciting a dog. "There goes your leg! And your dinner's following after!" As he spoke, he seized the wooden leg and the pot and sent them rolling down the slope.

Cojo, her uncle, was a captain among the rebels against whom her husband fought. And up to the time when Stedman was ordered back to Holland, he was unable to purchase her freedom; nor could he, until the very last moment, procure the emancipation of his boy. His perfect delight at this last triumph, when obtained, elicited some satire from his white friends.

And you, Cojo!" he continued, turning to the little Mexican, "you are skilled in medicine look to his wounds! He can repose while we are preparing. Ho! sound the signal of assembly! Summon our braves to the war-dance!" The last words were addressed to an Indian who was standing close behind him. Quickly succeeding the order, the notes of a bugle burst upon the air strange sounds in an Indian camp!

He has to respect his agreements with them." "Well, we'll have to give him a lesson," retorted El Mariane. "You'll see." Whereupon he crawled into the cave and reappeared soon with El Cojo's wooden leg in one hand and a stewpot in the other. "Cojo! Cojo!" he shouted.

Later it came to pass that the landlady's niece was found in the bedroom of a neighbouring student, and this served to rehabilitate Manuel somewhat in the boarding-house. One of the Many Disagreeable Ways of Dying in Madrid The Orphan El Cojo and His Cave Night in the Observatory. One day Manuel was not a little surprised to learn that his mother had not been able to get up and that she was ill.

Cojo, her uncle, was a captain among the rebels against whom her husband fought. And up to the time when Stedman was ordered back to Holland, he was unable to purchase her freedom, nor could he, until the very last moment, procure the emancipation of his boy. His perfect delight at this last triumph, when obtained, elicited some satire from his white friends.