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Then, "Take that cigaroot out of your mouth," he bellered. "What d'ye mean by coming into my office smoking cigareets?" Percy had always smoked whatever he blamed pleased, wherever he blamed pleased before, though Old Ham wouldn't stand for it from any one else.

But he seemed to know his place, although he looked at us down his nose again in shrewd appraisal. Will took out tobacco and rolled what in the innocence of his Yankee heart he believed was a cigarette. I produced and lit what he contemptuously called a "boughten cigaroot" Turkish Regie, with the scent of aboriginal ambrosia. The Zeitoonli took the hint. "Yarim sa' at," he said. "Korkakma!"

"Do you smoke, child?" "When I get 'old of a cigaroot I do." "I'm sorry I can't oblige you. I don't smoke cigarettes." "Then I'll 'ave to 'ave one of my own," said Albert moodily. He reached into the mysteries of his pocket and produced a piece of string, a knife, the wishbone of a fowl, two marbles, a crushed cigarette, and a match.

George did not know what Albert's duties as a page-boy were, but they seemed to be of a nature that gave him plenty of leisure and freedom; and a friendly resident of the castle with leisure and freedom was just what he needed. "That's very good of you," he said, twisting his reluctant features into a fairly benevolent smile. "I can 'elp!" persisted Albert. "Got a cigaroot?"

Don't bring fire near it hey! you there with the cigaroot! Throw it away. You want to blow yourself to everylastin' bliss?" "They're manning those canoes, Captain!" I shouted, for my attention was pretty closely fixed upon the savages. "Let 'em come!" he grunted. "We'll fix 'em, Mr. Webb; we'll fix 'em." There were four large canoes.