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Grier who was rather attractive, a Miss Chrystobel Lanman, to a theater and supper party.

I make them very pretty and they cost so little; two or three skeins of yarn for one pair and the soles are cheap, too." "That would be fine for Carrie and for Chrystobel. Cassandra says she has something beautiful for me, but Chrystie threatened to give her nothing for Christmas if she told; so she has managed to keep it secret so far."

Tabitha made no reply, but with a queer sense of rage in her heart she walked across to the dresser and bent to open the lower drawer where she had carefully laid the few things her small grip had contained. "Here," exclaimed Chrystobel sharply, "don't touch that drawer! That is mine. How dare you!"

"I am Chrystobel Clayton," answered the stranger in a frigid tone which was entirely lost on the other. "Do I fit?" "Oh, yes, you are the handsomest girl I ever saw. Carrie Carson is pretty, but you are beautiful!" "What is your name?" asked Chrystobel, still with a haughty air, but considerably pleased with the open admiration of her companion. "Tabitha Catt," came the slow answer.

They expect me, but can't I telegraph them that I want to stay here? They won't object. They always let me have my own way, Miss Pomeroy." "But still I cannot understand your sudden decision, Chrystobel." "It's on account of Kitty Tabitha. She can't go home, and now that the Carsons have to leave for the East, she can't spend her vacation with Carrie, and she does feel so sorry!"

A scolding already and I haven't been here a day. Oh, dear! Chrystobel was selfish, but maybe if I had been good, she would have given up that drawer and the hooks without any fuss. I acted like a perfect cat! Because she was selfish and mean, yes, I think she was mean that was no reason for my being hateful. Oh, it is such hard work to be good! I wonder if it will ever be any easier.

An apron from Grace, three ties, a pair of gloves, chocolates, handkerchiefs, oh, did ever anyone see so many pretty things belonging to one person! I am perfectly crazy with happiness. Here is one weenty package more in the very tiptoe of my stocking from Chrystobel a ring with a real ruby in it. If there were another thing to open, I should be bawling in earnest.

Chrystobel's arms had encircled Tabitha in an impulsive embrace, and before the astonished girl had recovered her breath sufficiently for a reply, there was a quick kiss pressed upon her lips, and Chrystobel had slipped away in the dark to her own bed.

Take your turn. The two longest, the two middle and the two shortest are mates." There on the stairs they drew their fate Tabitha and Chrystobel, Grace and Bertha, Carrie and Vera. Then with a merry laugh over the result, they linked arms and marched up to bed, with one exception a little disappointed, perhaps, but happy nevertheless.

The next morning when the bevy of bright-faced, light-hearted girls came to wish their teachers and two lone mates a merry Christmas before scattering for the holiday season, the four plotters, Chrystobel, Carrie, Grace and Vera, were foremost in the ranks, laughing and chattering the gayest of them all, as they jerked on coats and strapped up suitcases ready for departure.