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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Though why YOU should dwell upon this, Cherkis, whose word is steadfast as the running stream and whose promises are as lasting as its bubbles why YOU should dwell on this I do not know." "I have changed greatly, Princess, in the years since my great wickedness; I have learned much. He who speaks to you now is not he you were taught and taught justly then to hate." "You may speak truth!

Return, and throned above your people rule the world!" He ceased. Over the battlements, over the city, dropped a vast expectant silence as though the city knew its fate was hanging upon the balance. "No! No!" It was Ruth crying. "Do not trust him, Norhala! It's a trap! He shamed me he tortured " Cherkis half turned; before he swung about I saw a hell shadow darken his face.

And after a while forthwith those who still remained of hers stole out with my mother to find him. They left me here with Yuruk. And Cherkis caught my mother." The proud breasts heaved, the eyes shot forth visible flames. "My father was flayed alive and crucified," she said. "His skin they nailed to the City's gates.

And Iskander? Equally, of course Alexander. Ventnor had been right. "Yuruk," I demanded directly, "is she whom you call goddess Norhala of the people of Cherkis?" "Long ago," he answered; "long, long ago there was trouble in their city, even in the great dwelling place of Cherkis. I fled with her who was the mother of the goddess.

Quick was his disillusionment. "Listen, Kulun," she cried. "I am Norhala daughter of another Norhala and of Rustum, whom Cherkis tortured and slew. Now go, you lying spawn of unclean toads go and tell your father that I, Norhala, am at his gates. And bring back with you the maid and the man. Go, I say!" There was stark amazement on Kulun's face; and fear now enough.

A year passed and I am not like my mother and my father and I forgot dwelling here in the great tranquillities, barred from and having no thought for men and their way. "AIE, AIE!" she cried; "woe to me that I could forget! But now I shall take my vengeance I, Norhala, will stamp them flat Cherkis and his city of Ruszark and everything it holds!

I started to speak was checked by Ventnor's swift, warning glance. "She's over in the Pit," he answered her quietly. "But do you remember nothing, little sister?" "There's something in my mind that's been rubbed out," she replied. "I remember the City of Cherkis and your torture, Martin and my torture " Her face whitened; Ventnor's brow contracted anxiously.

I caught glimpses of gleaming sculptures, glitterings of gold and of silver, flashing of gems, shimmering of gorgeous draperies under them a weltering of men and women. We closed down upon them over them! The dreadful sobbing ceased. I saw the head of Cherkis swing heavily upon a shoulder; the eyes closed. The Destroying Things touched. Their flailing arms coiled back, withdrew into their bodies.

But Cherkis smiled with evil understanding, shrugged his shoulders and whispered to him. Sullenly Kulun stepped back. The ring of the archers lowered their bows; they leaped to their feet and stood aside to let him pass. Quick as a serpent's tongue a pyramid tipped tentacle flicked out beneath us. It darted through the broken circle of the bowmen. It LICKED up Ruth and Ventnor and Kulun!

"Rustum he was named, of the seed of Rustum the Hero even as was my mother. They were gentle and good, and it was their ancestors who built Ruszark when, fleeing from the might of Iskander, they were sealed in the hidden valley by the falling mountain. "Then there sprang from one of the families of the nobles Cherkis. Evil, evil was he, and as he grew he lusted for rule.

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