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"Yes; where they are well borne," said Colfavru. "Kératry bears them badly." "Nothing is greater," resumed Esquiros, "than great octogenarians." "It is glorious," added Chamiot, "to be presided over by Nestor." "No, by Gerontes," said Victor Hennequin. These words put an end to the debate. Kératry was thrown out.

A young Republican Representative rose, and offered him his mattress. They pressed on each offers of overcoats, cloaks, and coverlets. "Reconciliation," said Chamiot, while offering the half of his mattress to the Duc de Luynes. The Duc de Luynes, who had 80,000 francs a year, smiled, and replied to Chamiot, "You are St. Martin, and I am the beggar."

Germain, the column was composed almost entirely of men belonging to the majority. At the corner of the Quai d'Orsay they met a group of members of the Left, who had reunited after their exit from the Palace of the Assembly, and who were consulting together. There were the Representatives Esquiros, Marc Dufraisse, Victor Hennequin, Colfavru, and Chamiot.

They agreed in a low voice upon a rendezvous at No. 19, Rue de la Chaussée-d'Antin, in case they should be expelled from the Mairie. M. Bixio carried off the decree of deposition to get it printed. Esquiros, Marc Dufraisse, Pascal Duprat, Rigal, Lherbette, Chamiot, Latrade, Colfavru, Antony Thouret, threw in here and there energetic words of advice.