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The door opened and one of Carton's clerks started to announce the name of a visitor. "Mr. Carton, Mr. "Murtha," drawled a deep voice, as the owner of the name strode in, impatiently brushing aside the clerk. "Hello, Carton," greeted the Sub-boss aggressively.

Nobody had made any acknowledgment of Mr. Carton's part in the day's proceedings; nobody had known of it. He was unrobed, and was none the better for it in appearance. "If you knew what a conflict goes on in the business mind, when the business mind is divided between good-natured impulse and business appearances, you would be amused, Mr. Darnay." Mr.

The joy of the women was beautiful; the joy of those women who had lost their own children, was quite sacred and divine; but, the ecstasies of Captain Carton's boat's crew, when their pet was restored to her parents, were wonderful for the tenderness they showed in the midst of roughness.

"I hate to go, Miss Ashton," he was adding. "I'd stay if I saw any prospect of the others going. But you see this is the first time to-night that I've had a word with you alone." It was not only an emergency, but there were limits to Kennedy's eavesdropping propensities, and spying on Carton's love affairs was quite another thing from Langhorne's. Quickly Craig turned the lever all the way over.

See?" He was conveying as guardedly as he could a proposal that if the District Attorney would consent to turn his back while the law stumbled in one of the numerous pitfalls that beset a criminal prosecution, the organization would deliver the goods, quietly pass the word along to knife its own man and allow Carton to be re-elected. I studied Carton's face intently.

I had made Carton's acquaintance some years before as a cub reporter on the Star while he was a judge of an inferior court. Our acquaintance had grown through several political campaigns in which I had had assignments that brought me into contact with him. More recently some special writing had led me across his trail again in telling the story of his clean-up of graft in the city.

Late in the afternoon we met in Carton's office, to compare notes on the progress made during the day. The District Attorney greeted us enthusiastically. "Well," he exclaimed as he dropped into his big office chair, "this has been a hard day for me but I've succeeded." "How?" queried Kennedy.

"Yes, I could. I will, if you ask it." Mr. Carton's manner was so careless as to be almost insolent. He stood, half turned from the prisoner, lounging with his elbow against the bar. "I do ask it. Accept my cordial thanks." "What," said Carton, still only half turned towards him, "do you expect, Mr. Darnay?" "The worst." "It's the wisest thing to expect, and the likeliest.

Langhorne also managed to get away apparently, or else Carton and Miss Ashton were too engrossed in one another to notice him, for we heard no word of greeting. A moment later Carton's and Miss Ashton's voices were audible. "Must you go?" she was saying. "I'm afraid so," he apologized. "I've a speech to prepare for to- morrow and I've had several hard days.

"Dorgan will be here," he answered, evading Carton's question as to what he had discovered. "Dorgan?" we repeated in surprise. "Yes. I have made arrangements to have Martin Ogleby, too. They won't dare stay away. Ike the Dropper, Dr. Harris, and Marie Margot have not been found yet, but Miss Kendall will bring Sybil Seymour. Then we shall see." The door opened. It was Ogleby.