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And then two big policemen took a hand and dragged out of the furious mob of onlookers a crushed and trampled thing, with a wedding ring in its vest pocket and a shredded and hysterical woman beating her way to the carpet's edge, ragged, bruised and obstreperous.

'The carpet's deceived us, said Robert, gloomily; 'mother will see us directly she turns her head. But the faithful carpet had not deceived them. Mother turned her dear head and looked straight at them, and DID NOT SEE THEM! 'We're invisible, Cyril whispered: 'what awful larks! But to the girls it was not larks at all.

'Oh, if it's MOTHS, said the man, 'that's easy cured with borax. But I expect it was only an odd one. I tell you the carpet's good through and through. It hadn't got no moths when it left my 'ands not so much as an hegg. 'But that's just it, interrupted Jane; 'there WAS so much as an egg. The man made a sort of rush at the children and stamped his foot.

It was a very strange sound, indeed most odd, and unlike any other sounds the children had ever heard. At least, they had heard sounds as much like it as a toy engine's whistle is like a steam siren's. 'The carpet's come back, said Robert; and the others felt that he was right. 'But what has it brought with it? asked Jane. 'It sounds like Leviathan, that great beast.

Nor was her husband, apparently, of a different mind as concerned the wallpaper. He had followed Jane in from the other room, and he now sat there, sending a careful eye slowly along the old-fashioned border, and finding it impossible to believe that any one could seriously judge it to be grotesquely out of date. "The carpet's all right, as far as I can see," declared Jane.

Why?" "Nothing." "Curious, too, that the carpet fits." "The carpet's a mistake," announced Helen. "I know that we had it in London, but this floor ought to be bare. It is far too beautiful." "You still have a mania for under-furnishing. Would you care to come into the dining-room before you start? There's no carpet there. They went in, and each minute their talk became more natural.

Ethelwyn disappeared like a flash, and, sure enough, under the carpet's edge she could see sticking out the little white corner of the envelope. She knelt down and pulled it out, then ran back. "We'll come right over in a minute, Bobby," she called happily. "We're pretty nearly all dressed for fear you'd remember you had forgotten " "All right, hurry up," called up Bobby.

There appeared four small brass sockets imbedded in the carpet's deep pile; and the centre of the room was clear. By the same dexterous use of his acquaintance with the cabin's mechanism, Keith unfastened one of the settees, and wheeled it forward so that it stood under the light, and in great comfort for the time when they should sit to hear his story. "Now!" he said.

Caudle. You ought to have married somebody who'd have let your house go to wreck and ruin, as I will for the future. People who don't care for their families are better thought of than those who do; I've long found out THAT. "And what a condition the carpet's in! They've taken five pounds out of it, if a farthing, with their filthy boots, and I don't know what besides.

Anthea looked up at the sky and the walls that now rose six feet above them. 'We're dropping into the tower, she screamed. 'THERE WASN'T ANY TOP TO IT. So the carpet's going to fit itself in at the bottom. Robert sprang to his feet.