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In the mean time, the intelligence of Ellen's disappearance circulated rapidly, and soon sent forth hunters more fit to follow the chase than Dr. Melmoth. "There was racing and chasing o'er Cannobie Lee." When Edward Walcott awoke the next morning from his deep slumber, his first consciousness was of a heavy weight upon his mind, the cause of which he was unable immediately to recollect.

To hail that cab, to leap in, to cry, 'Follow the scoundrel in front: a sovereign if you catch him, was to the active Miss Blowser the work of a moment. The man whipped up his horse, the pursuit began, 'there was racing and chasing on Cannobie Lee, Marylebone rang with the screams of female rage and distress. Mr. Fulton, he also, leaped up and rushed in pursuit, wringing his hands.

"Ah now I'll go and get ye an umbrella," he said. She declined the offer, stepped out and was gone. Farfrae walked slowly after, looking thoughtfully at her diminishing figure, and whistling in undertones, "As I came down through Cannobie." At first Miss Newson's budding beauty was not regarded with much interest by anybody in Casterbridge.

Still, with a view to the future, and to avoid wounding Mrs. Brown too deeply, they made as firm an attempt as possible, with surprisingly good results. Then brief good-byes were said, the pack scientifically adjusted to the saddle on the old mare, and they rode off in the cool, dewy morning. This time there was no "racing and chasing o'er Cannobie Lea" on the way to Anglers' Bend. Mr.

The driver, who might have answered to Washington Irving's description, pointed out to me Netherby Hall, the mansion of the Grahams, on "Cannobie lea," over which the young Lochinvar bore away his stolen bride. We passed also Branksome Tower, the scene of the "Lay of the Last Minstrel," and reached Selkirk in the early evening. The next day I spent at Abbotsford.

He is for Edinburgh, I will warrant you so soon as daylight comes I will be on the road again. It is a kenspeckle hoof-mark, for the shoe was made by old Eckie of Cannobie I would swear to the curve of the caulker." So saying, he departed. "Hateful necessity," said Father Eustace, looking after him, "that obliges us to use such implements as these!