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"The shades on the can'les, the icin' on the cake, an' the posies in the bowl, why, even the jelly is that colah, too. Oh, my darlin' little teacup! It's jus' like a pink rosebud. I'm so glad I came!" The Colonel smiled at the success of his plan. In the depths of his satisfaction he even had a plate of quail and toast set down on the hearth for Fritz.

Any woman what had a baby 'bout my age would wet nurse me, so I growed up in de quarters an' was as well an' as happy as any other chil'. "Us little tykes would gather black walnuts in de woods an' store 'em under de cabins to dry. "At night when de work was all done an' de can'les was out us'd set 'roun' de fire an' eat cracked nuts an' taters.

At a slight motion of one of the doors, an audible start of expectation broke like an electric spark from the still people. But nothing came of it. They had to wait full five minutes yet before the messenger returned, bearing the large volume in both hands in front of him. "Tak' the buik up to Mr Turnbull, Jeames, and snuff his can'les," said Thomas.

"Noo," said Tibbie, "ye'll jist read a chapter till me, lassie, afore ye gang hame, and syne I s' gang to my bed. Blin'ness is a sair savin' o' can'les." She forgot that it was summer, when, in those northern regions, the night has no time to gather before the sun is flashing again in the east.

"We all went to Sunday School an' meetin'. Yes mam, we had to wurk on Sundays, too, if we did hav any spare time, we went visit in'. On Saturday nights we had big time foah der wuz mos' all'us dancin' an' we'd dance long as de can'les lasted. Can'les wuz all we had any time fur light."

"Ay, weel eneuch. Only I wad sair like a bittie o' can'le," was Annie's trembling reply, for she had a sad foreboding instinct now. "Can'le! Na, na, bairn," answered Mrs Bruce. "Ye s' get no can'le here. I canna affoord can'les. There's thirteen steps to the firs, and twal to the neist." With choking heart, but without reply, Annie went.