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"Camp-mates and allies, though we do not call ourselves Cheyennes, you know. That is a Sioux name for us, Red Words, it means; what you call foreign-speaking, for the Sioux cannot speak any language but their own. We call ourselves Tsis-tsis-tas, Our Folk."

Down at the foot of the bluff a boat was thrusting its snout into the soft bank, that an exploring party might land after a three days' journey along the winding highway of the river. In the bow stood the chief, and behind him were Sigurd Haraldsson and Rolf; and behind them, Robert the Norman. With a great racket of joyous hallooing for the benefit of their camp-mates, the crew leaped ashore.

Soon he discovered that his movements were awkward and his hands uncertain, and when his camp-mates began to joke he desisted with a laughing confession that he had imbibed too much. Laure drew him out of hearing, then inquired, anxiously, "Are you all right again?" "Sure! I feel great." "I I thought I'd die when I saw you disappear." She shuddered and hid her face in her hands for a second time.

As it was, his camp-mates endured his vituperations blandly, putting him down as a pleasing eccentric in whom there blazed a curious but inspiring spirit of patriotism. O'Reilly alone understood the reason for the fellow's morbid irritability, his suicidal recklessness; but when he privately remonstrated he was gruffly told to mind his own business.

That Spaniard would spit me out quick enough." This Camagueyan boy was a character. He was perhaps sixteen, and small for his age a mere child, in fact. Nevertheless, he was a seasoned veteran, and his American camp-mates had grown exceedingly fond of him.

With his voice dropped suddenly to a strictly confidential tone, Rives had then informed Jimmy that the missing campaign fund money had been located at a place called Thorlakson, west on the C.L.S. railway, hidden in a certain stump beside a water-tank. Very carefully he led up to the proposal that Stiles should attempt to secure this money without the knowledge of his camp-mates.

"That child's as white as you are," he sputtered. Then noting the twinkle in O'Reilly's eyes he turned away, muttering angrily. Strangely enough, Leslie's fantastic suggestion found echo in more than one quarter, and many of his camp-mates began to argue that El Demonio's baby would certainly bring the troop good luck, if it could keep her.