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"An imaginary number," explained Boswell. "Don't interrupt. As I say, when the imaginary colonel " "I must interrupt," said I. "What was he colonel of?" "A regiment of perfect caddies," said Boswell. "Ah, I see," I replied. "Imaginary in his command. There isn't one perfect caddy, much less a regiment of the little reprobates." "You are wrong there," said Boswell.

Any'ow, I 'ope 'e won't come along 'ere." "I'd like to 'ave a look at 'im," said the young man at the bar recklessly, and added, "I seen the Princess." "D'you think they'll 'urt 'im?" said the barmaid. "May 'ave to," said the young man at the bar, finishing his glass. Amidst a hum of ten million such sayings young Caddies came to London...

I found the others all in a bunch, and Babe tearing around the links all by herself, with her poor caddie trotting hard to keep up with her." "Who's that? Babe?" Allyn had suddenly plunged into the midst of the group. "I hear that the caddies are talking of a boycott, charging her double fees unless she goes slow.

The escaped caddies brought down more hampers. In the strap of one of them were the morning letters, forgotten till now. Hugh opened them irritably, while Kate meekly went on with her task of making a salad.

Dud's heavy bag over the links all the afternoon she preferred her friends to caddies; prompting for the dramatics rehearsal, with a poor light, all the evening, while the actors gossiped and squabbled and flirted contentedly. "It is not always restful," he admitted. "It makes my head ache," she remarked placidly. "I like to see the girls enjoy themselves.

The gleam of the caddies along the mantelpiece, the handles that protruded like stiff tails over the saucepan-shelf above the sink, struck her as looking queer and amusing in this twilight, and then made her remember that she had had no lunch and was now very hungry, so she briskly set a light to the gas-ring and put on the kettle.

"Na, na, naething o' the kind," interposed one of the caddies. "They're just twa duffers like yersels!" And great eminence in other fields counts for nothing with the caddie if his man cannot golf in good style. There is the story told by Mr.

Whereupon young Caddies, remembering his manners, did put them down politely and very carefully, and conveniently near for a resumption of their embraces, and having hesitated above them for a while, vanished again into the twilight ... "But I felt precious silly," the swain confided to me. "We couldn't 'ardly look at one another bein' caught like that. "Kissing we was you know.

A ponderous person who looked as though he had been pumped up for the journey gravely saluted, while his feverish companion rolled on: "Your course's rather short, isn't it? Imagine it's rather easy for a straight driver. What's your record? Seventy-one amateur? Rather high, isn't it? Do you get many cracks around here? Caddies seem scarce.

Here, caddies, take our clubs back to the club-house, and tell 'em to have two nectar high-balls ready at six-thirty. Phaeton, you and Jason will have to get back the best way you can. I've told you a half-dozen times to bring two machines with you, but you never seem to understand. Come along, Higgins, we'll go back. Shut your eyes."