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We spent that night at the Archduke's hospitar at Miramar near Raymond Lully's birthplace where free housing is given to any passer-by for three days, with olives, salt, and oil, the typical trio, provided. In the evening I told her across the brazero a tale that had never crossed my lips before, the tale of how I had lost my eyes.

Having re-rolled it between her fingers, she placed it within the gripe of a pair of small golden pincers. This done, she held one end to the coals that lay upon the brazero, and ignited the paper. Then, taking the other end between her thin, purlish lips, she breathed forth a blue cloud of aromatic vapour.

As she offered him the brazero, he remarked, "I am wearied with my ride; may I beg, Senorita, you will allow me a few minutes' shelter from the hot sun?" Though annoyed at this request, the girl could only reply in the affirmative; and the next moment, with clattering spur and clanking sabre, the Comandante walked into the rancho.

Although this great cold never lasts more than one day, the English merchants residing at Canton like to make chimney-fires in their apartments from November to January; while at the Havannah, the artificial warmth even of a brazero is not required.

This shop communicated with a parlor lighted from an interior courtyard, a large room breathing the very spirit of the middle-ages, with smoky old pictures, old tapestries, antique "brazero," a plumed hat hanging to a nail, the musket of the guerrillas, and the cloak of Bartholo.

In it you will see a small "brazero," or altar-like fireplace half-a-dozen earthen "ollas," shaped like urns some gourd-shell cups and bowls a tortilla-stone, with its short legs and inclined surface some petates to sit upon some buffalo-robes for a similar purpose a bag of maize some bunches of dried herbs, and strings of red and green chile but no pictures of saints; and perhaps it is the only house in the whole valley where your eye will not be gratified by a sight of these.

The panels which divide the chambers are ornamented with paintings of various animals tortoises, cranes, butterflies, and wonderfully unreal monsters. Mats, about half an inch thick, cover the floors. In the centre is a square place for a wood fire, when a brazero is not used.

The walls, whitened with stucco, were adorned with rare illuminated paintings set in gold frames, some leathern chairs called butacas, several side tables upon one of which stood a silver brazero filled with red cinders of charcoal these, with a fauteuil or two, and a mahogany couch of Anglo-American manufacture, completed the furniture of the apartment.

We can recognise the horns and frontlets of the elk, the cimmaron, and the grim bison. Here and there are idol figures, of grotesque and monster forms, carved from wood and the red claystone of the desert. A lamp is flickering with a feeble glare; and on a brazero, near the centre of the room, burns a small bluish flame.

There was but one apartment, not a large one either, and near its centre stood a brazero covered with cold slag and ashes. Two men were appointed to kindle a fire upon the brazero, and the rest, entering, took their seats upon the trucks and masses of quartz rock ore that lay around the room!