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I would have faced the fact of being a small machinist's son, and have taken my chance, if he'd been in any sense respectable and decent. The essence of Christianity is humility, and by the help of God I would have brazened it out. But this terrible vagabondage and disreputable connection! If he does not accept my terms and leave the country, it will extinguish us and kill me.

So he stiffly brazened it out. "Ay!" he said. "I never heard of such a thing!" she exploded, but still whispering. "You said as I must help ye, and I'm helping ye," said he. "But I didn't mean that you were to go chattering about me all over Bursley, uncle," she protested, adopting now the pained, haughty, and over-polite attitude.

In the face are two of these features: the mouth, a hard, coarse, furtive mouth, the mouth of the liar who is not polished, the peasant liar who has been caught and has brazened it out; the mouth and the forehead, full almost to bulging, so clean and white and naked that it seems shameful to expose it, a poet's forehead, noble and full of dreams, broad over the eyes, and as delicately modelled at the temples as a woman's where the curly brown hair is brushed away from it.

If you had greeted me first tonight, I suppose" she smiled and looked up at him "I suppose I should have brazened it out somehow." "Have you been in New York?" "Yes, we were there nearly a week." "Ah, that accounts for it." "Accounts for what?" "I have walked up and down every street, lane and alley in Bar Harbor, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.

But the bigger part talked hard sense, told 'em their lazy picnic had lasted long enough, that there was no meat in the house, and that they had got to come home and go to work. The siege didn't last half an hour. The men brazened it out awhile; some were rough; told their wives to dry up, and one big fellow slapped his wife for crying.

The one tocsin which exercises a dread significance in a peaceful and law-abiding English community at the present day struck a new and awful note in Hilton Fenley's brain. Fool that he was, why had he fought? Why was he flying? Had he brazened it out, the police would not have dared arrest him. His brain was as acute as the best of theirs.

Cardon would have brazened it out, claimed to have memorized the combination after having learned it by observation, and would probably have gotten away with it. But that silly girl had lost her head afterward, and had gone on to brand herself, irrevocably, as a Literate. One of the waitresses was hurrying toward him, almost falling over herself in excitement.

Had she been frail at heart, she might have brazened it out. But she had not that advantage. She was really pure as snow, and saw the pitch coming nearer her and nearer. The poor girl sat listless hours at a time, and moaned with inner anguish.

Bunter brazened it out by turning upon the man, making use of that impressive, black-as-night sternness of expression his unusual hair furnished him with: "My name's Bunter, sir. Does that enlighten your inquisitive intellect? And I don't ask what your name may be. I don't want to know. I've no use for it, sir.

So much so, that he tried to give the cook some idea of the "narrow squeak we all had" by saying solemnly, "The old man himself had a dam' poor opinion of our chance." "How do you know?" asked, contemptuously, the cook, an old soldier. "He hasn't told you, maybe?" "Well, he did give me a hint to that effect," the steward brazened it out. "Get along with you!