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"See, the game is over and there he goes with Penelope." The Prime Minister rose to his feet and intercepted them on their way to the door. "Miss Morse," he said, "may we ransom the Prince? We want to talk to him." "Do you insinuate," she laughed, "that he is a captive of mine?" "We are all captives of Miss Morse's," Bransome said with a bow, "and all enemies of Somerfield's."

Sir Edward Bransome was just leaving his house when Inspector Jacks entered the gate. The latter, who knew him by sight, saluted and hesitated for a moment. "Did you wish to speak to me?" Sir Edward asked, drawing back from the step of his electric brougham. The Inspector held out his letter. Sir Edward tore it open and glanced through the few lines which it contained.

We have the same traditions to uphold. What we do is what we should expect you to do if you were in our place. That's all, gentlemen. Now I wish you both good night! Mr. Smith, I am proud to shake hands with you. Sir Edward, I say the same to you." Bransome touched the bell and summoned his secretary. "Sidney, will you see this gentleman out?" he said.

"Sir Edward Bransome," the Inspector continued, "I have a theory of my own as to these murders, and though it may take me some time to work it out, I feel myself day by day growing nearer the truth. These were not ordinary crimes. Any one can see that. They were not even crimes for the purpose of robbery not, that is to say, for robbery in the ordinary sense of the word.

"We are informed that the prestige and success of our ministry will entirely depend upon whether or not we are able to arrange for the renewal of our treaty with Japan. I remember the same papers shrieking themselves hoarse with indignation when we first joined hands with our little friends across the sea!" His secretary approached Bransome and touched him on the shoulder.

The rancher halted discreetly when his companion, taking a brand from a fire near it, clambered over the boulders. Geoffrey disappeared among the rocks, and the voices grew louder when he came into view again walking hurriedly. Several trails of thin blue vapor began to crawl in and out among the rocks. Bransome joined Thurston, and both men broke into a smart trot.

Bransome, for that was the new man's name, rapidly recovered his presence of mind and manner, and, by way of covering his past confusion, remarked that he supposed the surf was seldom so bad as it then was. I replied in an offhand way, meaning to make fun of him, that what he had passed through was nothing, and appealed to the patrao to confirm what I had said.

Bransome, clearing his throat, announced himself and his authority, adding that he intended to make the factory a point of departure to all the others on the coast; then, very abruptly, he requested Jackson to prepare quarters for him without delay. The change that came over Jackson's face as he learned the quality of the stranger and his requests was great.

They were heading for the bush until Geoffrey, halting near it, ran back at full speed towards the gorge. All who watched him were astonished, for they were already bracing themselves to face the heavy shock. "He's mad stark mad!" roared Graham. "Come back for your life, Bransome.

In those days she was known as "Mildred of the berry-patches," as all the children for miles around associated her in their minds with the luxuriant vines on the farm of her Uncle Bransome with whom she lived. Her home was the children's Mecca in the berry season. Herbert Hoover's memories of those days are filled with lively incidents and boyish farm adventure.