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She stood face to face with the most puzzling map in the world a map seared and scored with boundary-lines, black and bristling with names. She could not have laid her finger on London at this moment, and as for Stafford, it might have been in the moon. While the class straggled along the verandah at the end of the hour, Inez came up to Laura's side.

While wave after wave of Germanic colonization poured over romanized Europe, breaking down old boundary-lines and working sudden and astonishing changes on the map, setting up in every quarter baronies, dukedoms, and kingdoms fermenting with vigorous political life; while for twenty generations this salutary but wild and dangerous work was going on, there was never a moment when the imperial sway of Rome was quite set aside and forgotten, there was never a time when union of some sort was not maintained through the dominion which the church had established over the European mind.

"I see a boundary of green, which includes Naples and Sicily," said Joseph, looking down upon the map with new interest. "Those are the boundary-lines of new Austria," said the empress, with a triumphant smile. "As I hope for the reestablisbment of empire in Greece, so must your majesty accomplish that of Rome.

The original Federalists of 1787 were in favor of effacing as much as possible the boundary-lines of the Thirteen Colonies, and of consolidating them into a new, united, and powerful people, under a strong central government.

These continents have not such clear and regular boundary-lines as those of South America, Africa, and the Indian Peninsula. Their angular, capricious, and deeply-indented coasts are rich in gulfs and peninsulas. They recall the confusion in the islands of the Sound, where the earth is excessively cut up.

Now, though Alicia Pardo was very young, she already suffered from this malady the malady of quietude which rubs out boundary-lines and extinguishes contrasts. Never yet had she been in love. The selfishness of her lovers had in the end endowed her soul itself little inclined to tenderness with all the hardness of a diamond. "I can't love any one," she often said.

A man might walk from break of day until darkness and yet not complete the periphery of its boundary-lines, but the palisaded portion included only the arable land and home paddocks and was of comparatively limited extent. Viewed from a bird's-eye elevation, this stockaded enclosure appeared to be laid out in the shape of a pear, the house being situated near the small end.

We hear only of kings and great barons and glorious knights; and their wonderful deeds and their valor and prowess excepting in the wars with the Moors were always over boundary-lines and successions, or personal quarrels more or less disgraceful, with never a single high purpose or a principle involved.

The little plots of flower-garden one mass of rich color; the tiny strip of kitchen-garden, well stocked and trimly kept, beside it; the thriving fruitful orchard stretching round the whole; and beyond, the rich cultivated land rolling its waving corn-fields, already tawny and sunburnt, in mellow contrast with the smooth green pasturages, with their deep-shadowed trees and bordering lines of ivied hawthorn hedgerows, marking boundary-lines of division without marring the general prospect a lovely landscape that sang aloud of plenty, industry, and thrift.

It elected the town officers and the deputies to the general court and made ordinances regarding the common fields and pastures, the management of the village herds, roadways, boundary-lines, fences, and many other things.