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He ended by philosophizing upon it with the Judge, who came down in late February to attend the session during the great railway fight. The Judge put his heels on the window sill, and folded his arms over the problem. "Well, now, this thing must be looked at from another standpoint. The power of redress is with the voter. If the voter is a boodler, he will countenance boodling.

Why take the pains to urge that it was vain to lecture and march abstract virtues into them, so long as the "champion boodler" of the town was the man whom the boys recognized as a loyal and kindhearted friend, the public-spirited citizen, whom their fathers enthusiastically voted for, and their mothers called "the friend of the poor."

Pinski is escorted out by friends completely surrounded amid shrieks and hisses, cat-calls, cries of "Boodler!" "Thief!" "Robber!" There were many such little dramatic incidents after the ordinance had been introduced.

You want to get away with thirty thousand dollars, that's what you want, you boodler!" Mr. "I want to be fair that's what. I want to keep my own mind. The constitution gives everybody the right of free speech even me. I insist that the street-car companies have some rights; at the same time the people have rights too." A Voice. "What are those rights?" Another Voice. "He don't know.

"Did he just bluff with me when he called me a boodler and threw me downstairs in the county convention?" "Then you lied to me, sir," snapped Barclay. "Oh, hell, John come off," sneered Bemis. "Haven't I got a right to lie to you if I want to?" The two men stared at each other like growling dogs for a moment, and then Barclay turned away with, "What is there in the typhoid talk?"

"Oh, you go too far; a legislator wouldn't steal a spittoon." "No, but the fellow he recommends for clerkship does." "My idea is that there are very few men who take money." "I admit that, but they'll all trade their job for another job. Honesty is impossible. The Angel Gabriel would become a boodler under our system of government. The cure is to abolish government."

Give some other boodler a chance." The Mayor. "Will the gallery please stop interrupting." "This is an outrage. The gallery is packed with people come here to intimidate us. Here is a great public corporation that has served this city for years, and served it well, and when it comes to this body with a sensible proposition we ain't even allowed to consider it.

In her eyes the square-dealing and innocent boodler is a far better man than the sophisticated apostle of culture, and this truth she illustrates with a modesty and restraint which are rarely met with in modern fiction. She never insists; she never says a word too much.

Here, for instance, is the talk of a saloon-keeper, taken from W. Payne's story, 'The Money Captain, which echoes, as nearly as printed words can echo, the voice of the boodler: "Stop it?" says the saloon-keeper of a journalist's attack. "What I got to stop it with? What's the matter with you fellows anyhow?

They say Mellinger never travelled a mile after that without his phonograph. I guess it kept him reminded about his graft whenever he saw the siren voice of the boodler tip him the wink with a bribe in its hand." "I suppose he's taking it home with him as a souvenir," remarked the consul. "Not as a souvenir," said Keogh. "He'll need two of 'em in New York, running day and night."