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"Yes, I'll lie down, dev'lish drowsy p-place lie down," mumbled Barrymaine, suiting the action to the word; yet after lying down full length, he must needs struggle up to his elbow again to blink at Mr. Chichester, heavy eyed and with one hand to his wrinkling brow. "Wha-what w-was it we came for? Oh y-yes I know Bev'ley, of course! You'll w-wake me when he c-comes?" "I'll wake you, Ronald."

"Restrain myself yes, Dig, yes. B-beg Mr. Beverley's pardon for me, Dig. Not myself to-day, but must restrain myself certainly. Give me some more brandy ha! and pass bottle to Mr. Bev'ley, Dig. No, sir? Ah well, help yourself, Dig. Must forgive exhibition of feeling, sir, but I always do get carried away when I remember that inhuman monster God's curse on him!"

Dig's the only f-friend I have in the world except Chichester. Push the brandy over, Dig. Of course there's Cleone, but she's only a sister, after all. Don't know what I should do if it wasn't for Dig d-do I, Dig? And Chichester of course. Give Mr. Bev'ley a chair. Dig. I'll get him glass!" Hereupon Mr.

'I'm a-goin' to drop in on Mr. Bev'ley, mam, I am, I sez. 'Then give 'im my love, she sez, 'an' tell 'im I shan't never forget 'is pride and 'is selfishness, she sez, an' she give me a crown into the bargain, she did. An' then jest as the coach was a-drivin' off t'other 'un the young 'un, give me this. 'For Mr. Bev'ley, she sez in a whisper, and here it be, sir."

Barrymaine, speaking with elaborate care, as if to make quite sure of his utterance. "Pray be seated, Mr. Bev'ley. We we are a little crowded I f-fear. Move those boots off the chair, Dig. Indeed my apartment might be a little more commodious, but it's all I have at p-present, and by God!" he cried, suddenly fierce, "I shouldn't have even this but for Dig here!