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Owing to this prospect Olivia had been compelled to decline a comte and a vicomte of crusading ancestry, procured at some pains by Madame de Melcourt; but when she also refused the eminently eligible Duc de Berteuil, whose terms in the way of dowry were reasonable, while he offered her a splendidly historic name and background, the Marquise not unnaturally lost her temper and declared that she washed her hands of her grandniece once for all.

Do you know that she refused refused violently to help me?" He shook his head, his blue eyes betraying some incredulity. "Well, then, I'll tell you. It'll show you. You'll be able to go away again with a clear conscience, knowing you've done your best and failed. Sit down." As she showed no intention of taking a seat herself, he remained standing. "She refused the Duc de Berteuil."

"You're so good about that, dear Aunt Vic. I didn't understand I was to have it when I couldn't see my way to to " "To marry Berteuil. That's all over and done with. I see you weren't made for life in the real world. Anyhow," she added, taking a virtuous air, "when my word was passed it was passed. Not that your dot will do you much good. It'll all have to go to settle the claims of this Mr.

The Duc de Berteuil is or rather was the greatest parti in France. He isn't any more, because they've married him to a rich girl from South America or one of those places brown as a berry with a bust " She rounded her arms to give an idea of the bust. "Mais, n'importe. My niece refused him.

If my niece hadn't deserted me I could have made it. Now all that is past fini-ni-ni! The clan Berteuil has set the Faubourg against me. They've the power, too. It's all so intricate, so silent, such wheels within wheels but it's done. They've never wanted me. They don't want any of us not for ourselves. It's the sou! the sou! the everlasting sou! Noble or peasant it makes no difference.