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'Just look at that, mother! 'Is it a dish-cloth? 'That's what it is now. 'Losh behears! it's one of the new table-napkins. 'That's what it was. He has been polishing the kitchen grate with it! 'Woe's me! That is what comes of his not letting me budge from this room. O, it is a watery Sabbath when men take to doing women's work!

He brought his hand down with a bang upon the barrel, laughed disdainfully, and springing over the vessel's side was at once lost in the darkness. Instead of following, all stood transfixed, gazing at the barrel, on which lay five shillings. "He put them there when he slammed it!" "Losh behears! there's a shilling to ilka ane o' us." "I winna touch the siller," said Sandys, moodily.

Auld Petey said he minded the day when Aaron Latta was a merry loon, and then Andrew McVittie said, 'God behears, to think that Aaron Latta was ever a merry man! and Baker Lumsden said, 'Curse her!" His mother shrank in her chair, but said nothing, and Tommy explained: "It was Jean Myles he was cursing; did you ken her, mother? she ruined Aaron Latta's life."

"God behears," he exclaimed, with a sudden look at the distant cemetery, "it's to Double Dykes!" Dite also shot a look at the cemetery. "He'll never get it," he said, with mighty conviction. The two men gazed at the cemetery for some time, and at last Dite muttered, "Ay, ay, Double Dykes, you was aye fond o' your joke!" "What has that to do wi' 't?" rapped out the smith, uncomfortably.

"She's straikit!" he shouted. "Did you do it yoursel', Grizel? God behears, she did it hersel'!" A very long silence it seemed to be after that. Miss Ailie would have taken the motherless girl to her arms, but first, at Corp's discovery, she had drawn back in uncontrollable repulsion, and Grizel, about to go to her, saw it, and turned from her to Tommy.