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"Raven of bode and woe!" answered Adrian, "seest thou not that all I shrink from is thy voice and aspect? Show me her I seek, living or dead." "I will show her to you, then," said the Becchino, sullenly, "such as two nights since she was committed to my charge.

"Hush, he sleeps away, quick, it is not the Plague that seized him." "Not the Plague?" growled the Becchino in a disappointed tone; "I thought no other illness dared encroach upon the rights of the gavocciolo!" "Go here's money; leave us." And the grisly carrier sullenly withdrew. The cart moved on, the bell renewed its summons, till slowly and faintly the dreadful larum died in the distance.

"I feared you were sped, and that another had cheated me of my office," said the gravedigger, "seeing that you returned not to the old Prince's palace. You don't know me from the rest of us I see, but I am the one you told to seek " "Irene!" "Yes, Irene di Gabrini; you promised ample reward." "You shall have it." "Follow me." The Becchino strode on, and soon arrived at a mansion.

Adrian found that the Becchino had taken care that famine should not forestall the plague; the banquet of the dead was removed, and fresh viands and wines of all kinds, for there was plenty then in Florence! spread the table.

"Full five hundred such descriptions did I hear in the first days of the Plague, when there were still such things as mistress and lover; but it is a dainty catalogue, Signor, and it will be a pride to the poor Becchino to discover or even to bury so many charms!

I must bring you from proof to proof, and link to link, in order to win my reward. Follow, Signor." The Becchino then passing through the several lanes and streets, arrived at another house of less magnificent size and architecture. Again he tapped thrice at the parlour door, and this time came forth a man withered, old, and palsied, whom death seemed to disdain to strike.

"Signor Astuccio," said the Becchino, "pardon me; but I told thee I might trouble thee again. This is the gentleman who wants to know, what is often best unknown but that's not my affair. Did a lady young and beautiful with dark hair, and of a slender form, enter this house, stricken with the first symptom of the Plague, three days since?"

He saw him depart with that proud and stately step to which his sweeping garments gave a yet more imposing dignity, and then passed up the street to the right hand. He had not got half way when he felt himself pulled by the mantle. He turned, and saw the shapeless mask of a Becchino.

The Becchino continued "And keep you this house while you rest at Florence, Signor?" "Yes, if the rightful lord claim it not." "Ha! ha! 'Rightful lord! The plague is Lord of all now! Why, I have known three gallant companies tenant this palace the last week, and have buried them all all! It is a pleasant house enough, and gives good custom. Are you alone?" "At present, yes."

Line and lineament may already be swept away, for the Plague hath a rapid besom; but I have left that upon her by which you will know the Becchino is no liar. Bring hither the torches, comrades, and lift the door. Never stare; it's the gentleman's whim, and he'll pay it well."