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"'Let's get to Bashkai, then, says Dan, 'and, by God, when I come back here again I'll sweep the valley so there isn't a bug in a blanket left! "We walked all that day, and all that night Dan was stumping up and down on the snow, chewing his beard and muttering to himself. "'There's no hope o' getting clear, said Billy Fish.

"'Billy Fish, says I to the Chief of Bashkai, 'what's the difficulty here? A straight answer to a true friend. "'You know, says Billy Fish. 'How should a man tell you who knows everything? How can daughters of men marry Gods or Devils? It's not proper.

'King, says he, 'be you man or God or Devil, I'll stick by you to-day. I have twenty of my men with me, and they will follow me. We'll go to Bashkai until the storm blows over. "A little snow had fallen in the night, and everything was white except the greasy fat clouds that blew down and down from the north.

The six Bashkai men looked at Billy Fish hungryway as if they wanted to ask something, but they said never a word. At noon we came to the top of a flat mountain all covered with snow, and when we climbed up into it, behold, there was an Army in position waiting in the middle! "'The runners have been very quick, says Billy Fish, with a little bit of a laugh. 'They are waiting for us.

'Ruin and Mutiny is the matter. We'll break for Bashkai if we can. "I tried to give some sort of orders to my men the men o' the regular Army but it was no use, so I fired into the brown of 'em with an English Martini and drilled three beggars in a line.

But there's so much to be done in every place Bashkai, Khawak, Shu, and everywhere else. "'What is it? I says. 'There are no more men coming in to be drilled this autumn. Look at those fat black clouds. They're bringing the snow.

The priests rolled great stones on us, and the regular Army fired hard, and there wasn't more than six men, not counting Dan, Billy Fish, and Me, that came down to the bottom of the valley alive. "Then they stopped firing and the horns in the temple blew again. 'Come away for Gord's sake come away! says Billy Fish. 'They'll send runners out to all the villages before ever we get to Bashkai.

One of the old priests was watching us continuous, and I felt uneasy, for I knew we'd have to fudge the Ritual, and I didn't know what the men knew. The old priest was a stranger come in from beyond the village of Bashkai. The minute Dravot puts on the Master's apron that the girls had made for him, the priest fetches a whoop and a howl, and tries to overturn the stone that Dravot was sitting on.

"'Let's get to Bashkai, then, says Dan, 'and, by God, when I come back here again I'll sweep the valley so there isn't a bug in a blanket left! "We walked all that day, and all that night Dan was stumping up and down on the snow, chewing his beard and muttering to himself. "'There's no hope o' getting clear, said Billy Fish.

'Ruin and Mutiny is the matter. We'll break for Bashkai if we can. "I tried to give some sort of orders to my men the men o' the regular Army but it was no use, so I fired into the brown of 'em with an English Martini and drilled three beggars in a line.