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Truly the ways of your Bashadors are past belief." I agreed heartily with Sidi Boubikir; a day's discourse had not made clear any other aspect of the case. Al Koran; Sura 47, "Mohammed." The late Sir John Drummond Hay, whose name is honourably remembered to this day throughout the Moghreb.

Sidi Boubikir was in excellent spirits, and told many stories of his earlier days, of his dealings with Bashadors, his quarrel with the great kaid Ben Daoud, the siege of the city by certain Illegitimate men enemies of Allah and the Sultan his journey to Gibraltar, and how he met one of the Rothschilds there and tried to do business with him.

But for all that Ba Ahmad was a wise man and very strong. He saw the might of the French in the East, and of the Bashadors who pollute Tanjah in the North; he remembered the ships that came to the waters in the West, and he knew that the men of these ships want to seize all the foreign lands, until at last they rule the earth even as they rule the sea.

Because of their Bashadors we can no longer have the markets at the towns on the coasts. If we do have one there, it must be held secretly, and a slave must be carried in the darkness from house to house. This is shameful for an unconquered people." I am only faintly conscious of my companion's talk and action, as he bids for child after child, never going beyond forty dollars.