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Daily intimacy with the base-hearted and the low, hourly association with crime, and perhaps more than either, despair of success, broke him down completely, and with the blind fatuity of one predestined to evil, he became careless what happened to him, and indifferent to whatever fate was before him. Still, between him and his associates there lay a wide gulf.

The base-hearted poltroon went and made his complaint to Captain Reud, who ordered him to leave the ship immediately he came into harbour. We must now retrograde a little in the narrative, in order to show what events led to the disastrous catastrophe I have just related.

Among the nobility she gained a number of friends by gifts, smiles and flattery, and she paid particular attention to winning over a body of soldiers that formed the Imperial Guard, and were called the Streltsi, trying to enlist them in her cause by every means in her power. Sophia, it may be said, was base-hearted and treacherous.

I fancied every human being capable of this kind of virtue on a good opportunity, saving, indeed, such base-hearted wretches as can never forgive their very forgivers; and of these I did not suppose him to be one. Let us die, if die we must, like honest and gallant men, so that it shall be said of us it was only our bodies that died.

A secret lies hid away somewhere in the institution of the modern dance, that makes it the chiefest attraction of worldly-minded and often of base-hearted people. What is that secret? Ah, my friend, it is the appeal to the most sacred instincts and passions of a man and of a woman!

I fancied every human being capable of this kind of virtue on a good opportunity, saving, indeed, such base-hearted wretches as can never forgive their very forgivers; and of these I did not suppose him to be one. Let us die, if die we must, like honest and gallant men, so that it shall be said of us it was only our bodies that died.

Who but the base-hearted would be unmerciful to man's most serviceable and sagacious of friends? I had no time to stop and mourn for my gallant steed. Casting but another look on him I ran on over the ground as rapidly as my legs would carry me. I never stopped; I never looked behind me. I knew that nothing would turn aside my blood-thirsty pursuers.

There are many tales about the English King Richard, the Lion Hearted, and none is more interesting than that of his meeting with Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest. King Richard was the brother of the base-hearted John who tried to steal the throne from him when he was imprisoned on the continent after the Crusades.

"I am sorry for that," said Mrs. Mackinnon. "I suppose he has taken a little too much wine." "No; it was a premeditated insult. The base-hearted churl has failed to understand the meaning of true, honest sympathy." "He will forget all about it when he is sober," said Mackinnon, meaning to comfort her.

"I am sorry for that," said Mrs. Mackinnon. "I suppose he has taken a little too much wine." "No; it was a premeditated insult. The base-hearted churl has failed to understand the meaning of true, honest sympathy." "He will forget all about it when he is sober," said Mackinnon, meaning to comfort her.