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Updated: August 25, 2024

There was Jonadab settin' up and lookin' wild. "'What in the world? says I. "'Oh! Ugh! My soul! says he. "'Your soul, hey? says I. 'Is that all? I thought mebbe you'd lost a quarter. "'Barzilla, he says, comin' to and starin' at me solemn, 'Barzilla, I've had a dream a wonderful dream. "'Well, I says, 'I ain't surprised.

"Heave ahead, Barzilla." "The news of her got over to Wellmouth, and me and Jonadab heard of it. He was some subject to widows most widower men are, I guess but he didn't develop no alarmin' symptoms in this case and never even hinted that he'd like to see his old girl. Fact is, his newest horse trade had showed that it was afraid of automobiles, and he was beginnin' to get rabid along that line.

I didn't know the mail was sorted, but when he says that I got up and went over and unlocked my box, just to show that I hadn't forgot how, and I swan to man if there wa'n't another envelope, just like Jonadab's, except that 'twas addressed to "Barzilla Wingate." "Humph!" says I, coming back to the stove; "you ain't the only one that's heard from the Prince of Wales. Look here!"

His face clouded over. "'No use, Barzilla, says he; 'I'll have to give it up. "'Guess you will, says I. 'Automobilin' is "'I don't mean automobilin', he snorts disgusted. 'Course not! I mean bein' constable. "So there you are! From cussin' automobiles he's got so that he can't talk enough good about 'em. And every day sence then he's out on the road layin' for another chance at Tobias.

Bradbury who'd got better remarkable sudden was pawin' at Jonadab's arm, tryin' to make him ease up; but he might as well have pawed the wind. As for Henrietta Bassett, she was acrost the back of the front seat tootin' the horn for all she was wuth. And curled down in a heap on the cockpit floor was a fleshy, sea-farin' person by the name of Barzilla Wingate, sufferin' from chills and fever.

See here, Bailey, didn't you start to tell us somethin' last time you was in here about your ridin' in an automobile?" "I started to yes. But nobody'd listen. I rode in one and I sailed in one. You see " "I'm goin' outdoor," declared Barzilla. "No, you're not. Bailey listened to you. Now you do as much for him.

"Barzilla," says Peter, "I jedge that a selectman is a sort of dwarf alderman. Now, I've had friends who've been aldermen, and they say it's a sure thing, like shaking with your own dice. If you're straight, there's the honor and the advertisement; if you're crooked, there's the graft. Either way the house wins. Go in, and glory be with you."

"Gosh!" says Jonadab, tugging at his whiskers: "'Twas Cape Cod against New York that time, and you can't beat the Cape when it comes to getting over water, not even if the water's froze. Hey, Barzilla?" Ebenezer came hopping over the ice towards us. He looked some surprised. "Where's Phil?" he says. Now, I'd clean forgot Phil and I guess Jonadab had, by the way he colored up. "Phil?" says he.

Now, my name ain't exactly a Claude de Montmorency for prettiness, but "Barzilla" 'll fetch ME alongside a good deal quicker'n "my deah man," I'll tell you that. We frogged it up and down all the forenoon, but didn't git a shot at nothing but one stray "squawk" that had come over from the Cedar Swamp.

And the reason he didn't was named Tobias Loveland and lived over to Orham." "I know Tobias," interrupted Captain Bailey Stitt. "Course you do," continued Barzilla. "So does Sol, I guess. Well, anyhow, Tobias and Cap'n Jonadab never did hitch.

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