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The silver baldrick was belted on, and the lance, with its pointed banderol, was placed in the hand, and the seven Saxon lords became Norman knights. The evening after this ceremonial, Harold was with the Duchess and her fair daughters all children. The beauty of one of the girls drew from him those compliments so sweet to a mother's ear.

The weary rear-guard rocked and swayed beneath the onset, but Prat and his archers shot amain, arrows whistled while pike and gisarm thrust and smote, as, encompassed now on three sides, they fell back and back towards the yawning gates of Belsaye; and ever as he fought, Beltane by times turned to watch where Duke Ivo's threatening van-ward galloped a long line of gleaming shields and levelled lances gay with the glitter of pennon and banderol.

Aiding, animating, cheering, directing all, while the dykes were fast hollowed, and the breastworks fast rose, the King of England rode his palfrey from line to line, and work to work, when, looking up, he saw Haco leading towards him up the slopes, a monk, and a warrior whom, by the banderol on his spear and the cross on his shield, he knew to be one of the Norman knighthood.

"I don't want to be crowned king, rude man, with your laidly moustache: I want to be made knight, and have banderol and baldric. Go away!" "We go, son," said Alred, mournfully. And with slow and tottering step he moved to the door; there he halted, turned back, and the child was pointing at him in mimicry, while Godfroi, the Norman tutor, smiled as in pleasure.

His broad shield hung behind his shoulder, balanced by a long lance whose gay banderol fluttered wanton to the soft-breathing air; above his mail-coif he wore a small bright-polished bascinet, while, at his high-peaked saddle-bow his ponderous war-helm swung, together with broad-bladed battle-axe.

The silver baldrick was belted on, and the lance, with its pointed banderol, was placed in the hand, and the seven Saxon lords became Norman knights. The evening after this ceremonial, Harold was with the Duchess and her fair daughters all children. The beauty of one of the girls drew from him those compliments so sweet to a mother's ear.

Aiding, animating, cheering, directing all, while the dykes were fast hollowed, and the breastworks fast rose, the King of England rode his palfrey from line to line, and work to work, when, looking up, he saw Haco leading towards him up the slopes, a monk, and a warrior whom, by the banderol on his spear and the cross on his shield, he knew to be one of the Norman knighthood.

"I don't want to be crowned king, rude man, with your laidly moustache: I want to be made knight, and have banderol and baldric. Go away!" "We go, son," said Alred, mournfully. And with slow and tottering step he moved to the door; there he halted, turned back, and the child was pointing at him in mimicry, while Godfroi, the Norman tutor, smiled as in pleasure.